Aurora- Is 5 foot 3 inches tall age 15 bleach blonde hair that touches the ground with electric blue highlights. Princess of the Galaxy born in the Simonia nebula.
Cherry- Princess of Domino. Bleach blonde hair with neon green highlights that goes to her knees. 5 foot 10 inches. Age 16. Wares a green cropped flannel and cut off boty short jeans with cowboy boots and hat. Fairy of the universes
Kasey- princess of Domino. Bleach blonde hair that goes to knees with a aqua blue umbred into sea blue. She wares a. Blue crop top and botty shorts with tennis shoes. 5 foot 10 inches. Age 16. Fairy kf the universes.
Jessica- cherry and kaseys younger sister. She has long brown hair with red tips. She wares a gamer shirt and sweat pants with tennis shoes. 6ft 1 inch tall. Age 15 years. Fairy of shape shifting.
Alexa- princess of lynfea. Dark brown hair. Wares a pink blouse and pink skirt with wedges. Fairy of flowers. 5ft 6in. Age 16
Selena- princess of solira. She wares a yellow crop to and yellow sweat pants with Sandels. She has blonde hair with yellow highlights. She is 5 foot 7 inches. Age 16. Fairy of the shining sun moon and stars.
Tasha- princess of Zenph. She has purple hair with pink highlights. She wares a purple hoodie and purple sweat pants with purple tennis shoes. She is 5 ft 7 in. Age 16. Fairy of technology.
Melody- princess of melody. She has long blue hair that goes down to her waist with marroom tips. Age 16.She wares a light weight hoodie with boy jeans and tennis shoes. Fairy kf music. 5ft 8in.
Phoebe- princess of Andros. She has short wavy brown hair with aqua blue highlights. She wares a blue tank top with blue jeans and tennis shoes. She is the fairy of. Water. 5ft 6in. 16years.
Rachel- princess of earth she has neon pink hair with blonde bangs. She wares a purple shirt with purple jeans and purple biker boots. Fairy of animals. Age 16. 5ft 10in.
Garrett- prince of Erachluan. Brown hair short. Sword master. Wares wares sweat shirt and sweat pants with tennis shoes. 5ft 11in. Age 16.
James- prince of stars. Born from the nebula Lemifica. 15 years.
Stephen- prince Garrett's Royal page. Brown hair. 5ft 2in. 16 years.
Jeffrey- prince james Royal page. Born from the same nebula. 15 years.
Shaine- prince of Lynfic. Blonde hair with orange highlights. 16 years
Jackson- pink hair with purple highlights. 6ft tall. Uses bow and arrow. Wizard of fire. From Jupiter. 16 years.
David- orange hair. 5ft 7in. 16 years. Master with a sling shot. Prince of lynfea.
Alexziah- brown hair. 5ft 11in. 16 years. Sword fighter. Prince of Estonia.
Xander- brown hair with red highlights. Weapon gun ninja. Prince of flinlakee.
Icely- witch of ice. White hair. 5ft 3in. 16 years. Part mermaid.
Daisy- Witch of illusions. Brown hair. 5ft 4in. 16 years.
Stacy- witch of storms. Marroom hair. 16 years. 5ft 5in.
Disaprow- sorceress of heat. Blonde hair. 5ft 6in
-teachers and principles-
Faragonda- head mistress of alfea.
Salidon- head master of red foundation.
Griffen- head witchress of cloud tower.
Wizzigiz- teacher/professor.
Paldium- teacher/professor.
Avalon- teacher/professor.
Geazelda- teacher.
Cherry, kasey, and Jessica's parents queen bloom and king sky
Queen blooms parents- qyeen Marian and king oretel
King Sky's parents king arandor and queen Samantha.Parents of Alexa and David- queen flora and king helia.
Parents of salena- Stella and Brandon
Stella's parents king radios and queen lunna.Parents of Tasha - queen tecna and king timmy.
Parents of melody- king riven and queen Musa.
Phoebes parents- queen Aisha and king nex.
Rachel's parents- king Andy and queen Roxy.
Icely parents- icy and tritanus.
Daisy parents- Darcy Abdul valtor.
Stacy parents- stormy and darkar.
Garrett's parents- king Jessie and queen Leah.
Shrines parents- ash and Albert.
Jeffreys parents - Tae and Layne.