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So, I'm a wolf dog.

I'm not exactly human, though I have the appearance of one, I'm not fully a wolf or a dog

I'll explain more about what I am some other time but for now, I'll tell you about other things before we get more into the stories.

So I have three brothers and two sisters, making us six kids. And guess what, we're all a set of twins. I know a little surprising for some, but that's just the way life is I guess.

The first set of twins are older than me by about two years, my brothers Jason and Jacob, the only way you can tell them apart by the way their hair combed and the pendants they wear. They're are pretty laid back when their not busy, but Jacob changes completely when he's working. 

Jacob has a part-time job as a  Sewing professional, but I call him a tailor,  he makes almost all of our clothes, but if you ask him to make you a new outfit, just know by first-hand experience, he'll either drag you all over the place in back rooms of his workplace or he'll have a group of people lift you up in the air and carry you into the back rooms. He wears an orange pendant that dad gave him and has golden-brown hair that shines in the sun, he's about 5'7 which is taller than me and has brown eyes with small hints of an orange-gold color. He's usually the go-to person when you need to talk about something. He's a great older brother, and for anyone who might ask, yes he's taken by his boyfriend Alex. (A.K.A. he's gay) 

Jason has a part-time job in the market so we usually go to his job when we want a discount, plus the owner of the shop lets him take a few items from the store every now and then so we don't need to worry about looking for food to eat when we're home. He wears a purple pendant that mom gave him has the same golden-brown hair as Jacob only doesn't give the same glow as Jacob's hair and it's darker. He's also 5'7 and has the same brown eyes as Jacob only slightly darker and has hints of dark purple in them. And He's a total perv. he usually flirts with every girl he sees and tries to get a hand on them, I still can't believe he's not fired for flirting with the customers yet, but everyone knows he does that so he can hide the fact he's gay.


(Jason): I'm not gay!

(Me): Tell that to the guy you were making out with at your birthday.

(Jason): I was drunk!

(Me): there was no alcohol or ale. I would have smelled it from a mile away and before it even left the bottle.

(Jason): Whatever, that kiss still doesn't mean anything!

(Me): Then why were you putting your hand in his pa-

(Jason): *blushes* Can you just get back to the Intros while I fix the fourth wall!

(Me): Fine I think I tortured you enough for today, at least I got to use my tease points

Back to the Intros

Then there's the youngest set of twins, about two years younger than me, my brother Ross and my sister Rosalina, but we usually call her Rosy or Ro. You can tell them apart easily since one's a boy and one's a girl, but it's hard to tell who's who when they dress up as each other and switch places. Although they may switch places you can also tell them apart by their personality. 

Rosy is the energetic one with a sweet tooth, she works as a part-time party planner and part-time in a bakery. I can guarantee you she'll instantly want to become your friend and know almost everything about you in one day. She always wears a small green bow in her hair like she's a little present, always smells like cookies or chocolate, has long dark chocolate brown hair, about 4'9, and has bright green emerald eyes. And somehow she always has glitter with her. 

Ross is a bit of a quiet one, he's a nice guy and really sweet to once you get to know him but he can be kinda shy sometimes so you'll have to warm up to him he wears a yellow ring he had ever since he was little, and if he trusts you enough he'll show it to you. It somehow gives off this calming effect, I don't know how exactly but I think mom put a spell on it so he won't feel so lonely. He has the same dark chocolate hair like Rosy, also 4'9, and has yellow eyes. He works part-time as an herbalist and likes to spend a lot of time in the forest. He even made friends with a small stray cat on his way to his favorite part of the forest. He's a researcher and a medic so he spends most of his time reading and learning about medicines and helping Katy when she needs help with her work.

And then there's me and my twin Katelyn or as we call her Katy. The only way you can tell us apart is the little hairpin we have, and for a long time you could tell us apart if my wolf ears popped up or when we transformed. I know this is a little confusing for you to understand now, but I promise I'll explain what I'm talking about another time. Katelyn works part-time with Ross and usually stays at the library to help him with his work or learn about what we are. She has brown hair that's brushed the same way I have it, she's about 5'4, has a little blue moon hairpin that we wear to make it easy to know who's who, and has brown eyes. She usually nervous about exploring with me but I do it so she can actually see the world instead of how it looks in her books, plus a lot of times she really likes it. She works as a medic as well, or an herbalist since she usually uses natural substances in her work, she likes sending Ross out to find her any plants or things she needs and usually asks him for help when she's having trouble. 

I would say something about my parents but they're somewhere else out there.

I also have my best friend Mason, he may not be related to us by blood but we consider him family. Mason and I have been together ever since we were little, we would always play with my siblings or go exploring in the forest, We even have a little secret spot there that no one knows about, not even Ross and he used to go into the forest every day to find it. He has small parts of deep blue at the tips of his chocolate brunette hair and wears a light blue bracelet in the shape of a paw print I gave him back when we were little, has ocean blue eyes that shine beautifully when the light hits them just right darken at night reflecting the stary sky, Ahem, and he's about 5'7 like my brothers. We spent a lot of time back then and still do today, he's always been by my side whenever I needed him and I always have his back when he's in trouble. Honestly I feel like that after everything we've been through so far our bond and connection will be the one thing that never changes...

Whoops looks like I have to go, gotta go get dinner for everyone. But don't worry I'll be back soon, tell me if you would like to hear more and what would you like to know.  Oh, wait I hardly told you about myself or my name. I guess I have time to at least give you a name, I have quite a few names I go by but I'll tell you my first name I was given at birth...

My name is Kairi, Kairi Shurigaya. 

I have two other names in my full name but this is the shorter version of it.

-1526 words

Hey guys Author~chan here 

I hope you guys enjoyed the first info chap. This is my first story so know that there's going to be some references to this. These characters, the storyline, and some locations created are owned by me     UNLESS I SAY I DIDN'T CREATE IT. If you want my character to tell you guys stories about something she knows these are the options right now

* what she is

*her and mason's story (somethings going on between them)

*what she does (this would come after what she is)

* her parents ( this would also come after the what she is chap) 

there's more I have planned for this but a lot of explaining would have to come first

I hope you guys liked it. Bye!

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