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My name is Jenna benn I'm Jamie's Benn twin sister. And of course he is older. It goes jenna, jamie,jordie,and Jenny. There are four of us siblings and we've all been really close growing up.

Ive been living in California. have a lot of friends up in LA. From singing and being apart of team digi tour. After my break up I decided it's time I move away and not be around the people who remind me of him. I dance a little bit but it's hard with my knee. 3 years ago I was in an accident and that damaged my knee pretty bad. It was terrifying because the doctors said I may never be able to dance again, and dancing is my world. it made me so happy and it was, my dream growing up as a little girl.

I've been moving around from place to place. I was in Dallas with Jamie and Tyler his room mate. And I went Back home for a little bit to see my mom and dad I've been to Jenny's and babysat so her and mike can go out and have fun while not worrying about the kids.

(I'm using current time which is 2019 Jamie is turning 30 in July but I'm going to make it so there a little bit younger)

Jamie and I are turning 27 in a few months and I want to spend it with him but I've decided I'm going to live with jordie my older brother, in Montreal. He has a dog and always gone plus I haven't seen him in forever and he could use some company. I have another knee surgery, and he's always been supportive about my health and stuff. And he takes care of me. Jamie goes out And parties with his friends so I can't have a surgery and be alone!

1 month later —— in Montreal——-

Jordie's point of view

"Hey coach I'm really sorry but I can't come to practice today, my sister has a surgery and I need to be there with her." I explain to my coach as I try to get out of going to practice to be with Jenna while she goes for surgery, she is really nervous and she hates hospitals, so she really needs me. And at a time like this she needs her family, and her twin. Jenna and Jamie have been so close all their lives, and when he was drafted they drifted bc she lived in Vitoria and then LA and he lived in Dallas. And chose hockey over her. But she came home and she wants to do more with family, life is so precious and she doesn't want to waste it anymore. She wants to live a long and happy life and doesn't want to waste it being mad at everyone. It's been hard on all of us since her and Jamie had their falling out. We want them to be happy and our family to come back together. This surgery is really big and important to her b cause this can basically decide her life and she needs Everyone and all the support she can get so I'm going to call Jamie to get his but here so that he can be her for his little sister.

"Jamie, hi. Do you know what day it is?"

"ya I'm pretty sure it's Sunday the 2nd of February, why?"

"Jamie your a shitty twin brother. I can't believe you. You should be the one here helping her through everything, and supporting her instead you pushed her away and she is alone. And has no one and I'm the one that is taking her to her surgery. And you know how important this is to her but it's also tremendously scary. And she can't do it by herself.  I don't care what you have today and where you are, get out of it and get your ass to Montreal general hospital to help your baby sister."


I hung up the phone and went to wake Jenna up to help her get prepared for her big day.

I woke her up, we ate an talked a little before our parents and Jenny arrived. Jenny brought her husband and kids

"Jenna, have u talked to Jamie?" My mom asked
I look at Jenna and she frowns, signalling me to change the topic.
The door bell rings and I begin to think it's Jamie so I insist Jenna goes to get it well I try to distract mom.

Jenna's point of view

I had signaled jordie to distract mom because I wasn't comfortable talking about Jamie and ours relation ship, just in time the doorbell rang

"Jenna why don't you get that?" Jordie said


I walk to the door and open it, it revealed a handsome young man with a sharp jaw line and a Nicely groomed beard,
"Uh hi" I said studdering a little bit, his hotness was distracting me
"Oh, I didn't realize Jordie had a girlfriend he says looking down,"
I giggle
"I'm his sister" I say laughing
"Oh my gosh! This is awkward! I'm so sorry." He says scratching his neck.
"I'm max, these are Jordie's, he left them at my house and thought he might need them for practice!" He said handing me two tapped sticks in his large tanned hands.

"Well max, thank you. I'll be sure to let Jordie know that you brought them back, would you like to come in?" I politely asked the kind young man at the door who presumably is named max.

"Uh no I should probably get going, will I see you around?" He asked
I blushed. Did that mean he wanted to see me again?

"Umm yes, I'm having surgery today and will be sticking around for a little while, so I'd be happy to see you again" I say smiling
He frowned "may I ask, what kind of surgery are you getting?"

"Um I was in an accident a few years ago, it tore up my knee real bad and so I couldn't dance anymore, and I love dancing so I had a really risky surgery done to help my mobility get a little better, but the surgery would have only helped it for about a year. The pain can get really really bad so we are going to see if they can repair the patella," I say

"Oh my, that sounds really bad. I'm so sorry." He says

"It's okay,"

"Well I should get going, I'll see you around...." he said
"Oh! I'm sorry, my name is Jenna"
"Well I'll see you around Jenna Benn"
"I'll see you around max domi"
"Hey! How did you know my last name?" He questioned smiling
"Come on domi, I'm not stupid. I grew up with the two hockey players, one myself. I pay attention you know" I say giving a wink and then closing the door.

"Jenna who was at the door" my mother yells,

"Max domi"

"Max domi?" My dad asked

"Yes dad Max domi"

"Man I missed him again!"

funny story so my dad is been trying to meet Max Domi every single time after one of Jordies games we get to go down to meet a player Max has either been gone hurt, away, getting looked at, in the showers, or with other families, every time we go down to the dressing room and my dad is always trying to meet him and so it's just really funny that when he's at the door nobody informs my dad and he's got to wait another time.


"Jenna your phone buzzed"
Jordie yells from the kitchen

"Who is it?" I ask

"@maxdomi13 has requested to follow you"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2019 ⏰

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