I'm close
I can feel it
I'm almost out
I'm almost free
It's just out of my reach
I feel like i'm in a murky dream
I can feel that it's over
That the dream will end soon
I feel reality slowly coming back
These woods aren't real
They aren't
I know it
I'm just crazy
I'm just a crazy girl trapped in endless woods
I miss it
I miss who I was
I know I shouldn't cry anymore
That I should be strong
But I don't want to be strong anymore
I don't want people to be scared of me anymore
I want to feel human again
I want to feel an emotion other than anger and sadness
I want to be happy
He's here for me
He knows I've given up
I've truly given up this time
I don't want to live in this nightmare
I want to wake up already
Wake up
Wake up
I squeeze my eyes shut
I want to be real again
This isn't real
You're all fake
I hate this
Wake up
It Waits In The Woods
Mistério / SuspenseIt waits in the woods As everyone knows It waits in the woods Where only lost go It preys on the weak It breaks them down It knows that you're meek It wears a dark crown It waits in the woods Where there's nowhere to hide It knows that you're lonely...