C h a p t e r o n e

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I groan, rolling over and blindly slapping my alarm clock until it stops making noise.
opening one eye I check the clock.
As usual, my alarm doesn't
deceive me, though I wish it did.
I  slowly push myself out of my warm soft bed.
Which was hard since (Not to brag) I have a really fucking comfortable bed.
Silk pillow cases and everything baby.
I say to myself mid-yawn, shuffling over to the bathroom. Unfortunately on my cold journey, I end up stubbing my toe on my dresser.
Of course, forgot to turn on the light.
I hop on one foot, trying to rub the pain out of my poor injured pinkie toe.
This is a great start to my morning.
I blow a strand of hair out of my face and turn on the lights hobbling the rest of the way to my bathroom,my foot still stinging with pain as I turn on the shower.
Yep I shower in the mornings, only cause I'm too lazy and tired when I get home from school to bother with it.

I reach out to test the water to see if it's warm enough, before feeling the icy water send a jolt through my body.
I instinctively jerk back,but apparently with too much force, as it causes me to stumble backwards and slip on my small circle rug.

I'll give you two guesses on what happened.

Option one: I fell but a handsome dark haired prince from another dimension caught me, saving me from the rough fall.

Option two: I fell and bruised my ass.

Take your pick.

I slowly got up, cursing my own clumsy nature.
"Ughhhh my butttttt!"
I complain loudly to myself.
I look over to the rubber ducky on the sink, my eyes narrowing at it's smiling face,
"You enjoy my pain don't you?"

The duck didn't reply.

I sigh, before taking off my pajamas which,is a giant t-shirt with a picture of Elmo on the front.
I Toss it blindly behind me, opening the shower door, basking in the warm water.
It wasn't long before my mind began to wander.

I guess the three things I've learned in the almost eighteen years I've been alive, is that life isn't fair.
Good things don't come to the people who wait,and most importantly, there is no such thing as true love.
Just two people that are horny and scared to be alone, so they get together and call it love.
Where did I get that mentality you ask?
About almost four years ago when my boyfriend at the time cheated on my with my Best friend Jamie.

I know I was young,but that doesn't dull the pain I felt that day. I had been with Harry since fourth grade, and had been friends with Jamie since diapers.
I guess there isn't such a thing a true bff's either, cause from then on she decided she would shove my face in the dirt.
To make matters worse, that was the year my parents divorced.
My mother moved from my hometown in Oregon to California to pursue modelling,taking my older brother with her.
I haven't seen or spoken to him since.
We're practically strangers.
As for my dad,
he's pursuing a woman named Clarissa, who I would like, if she wasn't such a diva.
It's seems like all she ever does is boss him around and abuse his credit card.
He plans to propose to her in a couple of months,which really fucking sucks.
But, if my dad is happy I'm sure I can suck it up until I move out.
Funny thing is, the only thing I'm truly happy doing is working at the 50's cafe in town.
It doesn't pay much, but I'm sure I'll eventually make enough money to move out.

"Ellie? Are you still in there?
You better hurry, breakfast will be done in five."

"Ok pops,I'll be out in a second."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2018 ⏰

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