"We're good. Everything's good now"

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PROMPT- the boy hadn't spoken since his twin had gone

Cody Tilt. Maurice Tilt. Twin boys, one a soft spoken, empathetic soul and the other an uncaring, cruel person with little concern towards others. Cody was loud, arrogant, and impulsive. Maurice, however, was sweet. Too sweet. Cody had always told him he'd rot peoples' teeth with his personality if they ever got to close.
   There were, of course, things Cody didn't tell his brother. Such as the times he'd fret over the possibility of Maurice leaving him behind, his elegance drawing the attention of someone who'd sweep Maurice away forever. He didn't want Maurice to forget about him. He wanted to do that thing identical twins could do when they'd switch places for a day before Maurice left. Cody used that as an excuse to care if his brother left, when the real reason bubbled beneath the surface, preparing to rip out of Cody's chest, leaving him bare and vulnerable.
   He'd never been good at being weak. Maurice could, even though it hurt him when he did. Which was most of the time. With him being so sensitive towards others emotions, he was always in a state of sensory overload. If it got bad enough, Cody would cover his twins' head with the extra thick leather jacket he always had. It was extra thick for that purpose and that purpose only, under the disguise of keeping Cody warmer. He just wanted what was best for his twin. 

 "Cody, you can't just punch someone! If you're witnessing bullying behavior, you report it to the office and we deal with it! Not resort to physical violence!" The principal spoke in a harsh tone. Cody didn't like it, but he knew better than to talk back, so instead he ignored the words. Instead, he focused on blocking away the tears pricking the corners of his eyes, the tears that had spent years growing inside Cody's heart. He'd heard somebody call Maurice a word he didn't even dare utter in his mind, and he saw Maurice's face turn sad. Bad bad bad. No one should make such a good person frown. He didn't even know how it happened, but his fist connected with the others jaw, a sickening crack coming from both sides. Luckily for Cody, on his side it was just his knuckle cracking. But for the other, who's name Cody didn't know, was the resounding noise of his jaw dislocating. The thing that made Cody even angrier, was the fear drawing across Maurice's face, and the quick muttering of apologies from him. Towards his bully. In a fit of unbridled rage at a world of cruelty, Cody punched Maurice too.

Cody watched as Maurice settled into the bed across from him. They hadn't spoken for a week, and Maurice was pissed. Cody had never seen Maurice pissed. When Maurice yelled, Cody found, the world around them seem to stop, just so Maurice wouldn't be hurried by the things surrounding him. Cody did end up regretting punching Maurice, the anger exploding out of his softer brother making realize how much of a dick he'd been. He wanted to make it up to Maurice, but he didn't know how to.
   So in his doubt, he turned to Google. Google said that it was a good idea to show how sorry he was by being vulnerable. So, hailing his almighty god, he decided to tell his brother everything. He didn't want his twin to draw father into himself, he wanted to speak again. For the boys hadn't spoken to each other since they Cody had gone and screwed things up. 

"... Maurice?" Cody didn't want anyone else to hear their conversation, so he decided that two in the morning was a good time to hold it.

"..." Maurice was silent, but he flipped over to look at his younger twin.

"I... I'm sorry. I just... It's unfair, to, to, for- for the world to turn its back on you, and that's what it looks to be happening, to me at least" Cody admitted, albeit quietly. He watched as Maurice sat up, swung his long legs over his bed, and shuffled over to Cody's bed. He made a shoo-ing motion with his hands, and Cody moved over. Maurice settled himself under the blankets, facing his brother.

"You're an idiot" he said, plainly. 

"What?" Cody spluttered, sitting up a fraction.

"The world isn't blocking me out. But you, you are. You're blocking everything out, and I'm angry at you for it. You seem to think you're the only thing that can protect me, but I'm perfectly capable of doing that myself. You seem to think that the world has already left you behind, but it hasn't. Not all of it. 'Kay?" After Maurice's long speech, Cody let something out. Something he never thought he'd show another person. 

"O-okay" he sniffed, between tears. It seemed that the cruel little boy and his sensitive brother weren't so different after all. They both just wanted what was best for the other. 

"Are we good?" Maurice asked after Cody's sniffles died down. Cody smiled, scooching closer to his twin.

"Yeah, we're good. Everything's Good"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2018 ⏰

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