chapter one

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I walked down the hallway with nothing but bliss. My friends hi-fived me. Today was the twentieth annual spelling bee. I have read every dictionary and thesaurus that u could think of...i have even read so many books...I am actually reading one's about a girl who falls in love with a demon..." he bumped into me...I could feel his cold eyes stare straight through me""wow that give a new meaning to invisible!" I said in my head. I was so sucked into the book I wasn't paying attention... I walked a little further....when I bashed into someone...papers flew everywhere..I landed with my book bag weighing me down...I was on the floor ready to start a fight "what the heck je-" my words caught between my teeth as I looked up...there in front of me was a boy with black boots and tan skin...."wha- why did i not punch this guy square in his gut" i looked back and grabbed my papers. I sat there waiting for him to help me up...but noooooo he just stared at me.. "Chivalry is dead" I mumbled under my breath. I got up and brushed my skirt off.. I looked up at his eyes.

Chapter 2.
I looked at his eyes... They were glossy and a demons eyes.. "I'm sorry" he said I was so focused on his eyes I forgot he speaks. "Its fine" I said aggressively. He backed up. He looked at me confused. " I'm name is lynet" he smirked " the names Damon"I giggled "u mean demon" I said in my mind. He gave a creepy grin that made my spine crawl. "DEFINENTILY A!!" I still said this stuff in my mind so he doesn't get offended. The bell rang. "I-I have to go" I kinda yelled. I walked away quickly as something grabbed my arm...I turned and saw something....something inhuman....the boy....wasn't...human...his eyes weren't there but were bleeding black....his jacket ripped and bloodied..his arm was half skeleton, half flesh...he...wasn't...human......I screamed at the top of my lungs...whoever was still in the hallway was now watching me...I backed up and fell...I blinked and everything was normal.. Damon moved closer "are u oka-"he tried to say"GET AWAY FROM ME...U...U...CREATURE!!" I screamed. I used my legs to push backwards.. I quickly got up...and ran to my next period..

Chapter 3.
My period was Math...I didn't like this subject..wasn't really my strong suit...but I had to get through this to go to my spelling bee. The teacher was talking about something but I was to focused on what was Damon...."what is he?....a poltergeist?....No people saw what is he?.." I thought long and hard til- " Miss lynet! Would u like to tell the class what we learned?" the teacher knew my brain wasn't here.." i-i-i...ummm..i-errmmm*cough*" I stalled for a good bit...." now can someone tell Mrs lynet what we learned?" The smarty pants girl in the back raised her hand. She was that one girl, no one wants to be around. " yes Cynthia?" the teacher said. " y=mx+b" she said snotty like raising her nose in the she was too superior to be human." Yes th-" the bell rang right before he could finish. I shoved my books in my bookbag and scurried out of the classroom. I ran through the hallway...hoping not to see....him? I'm not even sure if it has a gender! I got to the stage where the spelling bee is supposed to be...but I don't see anyone. I clenched my necklace and breathed in. " well hello to u to deary doo" I knew only one person who gave me that name. I looked around then i saw her...." minzy!!" I yelled to her. She gave me a graceful smile. Students started arriving now...I walked to an empty room to talk to Minzy. She stared at me as we walked into the Empty room. "Yes?" she looked at me with confusion. "We have a problem."
Chapter 4
"We have a problem." She looked at me confused. I opened a grandma gave me it when i was younger. I opened it to page 17. I pointed to a chapter named "demonio". I said that out loud. ( demonio is Spanish for demon) Minzy looked at me full of fear. " n-no t-that can't be....they....went...well...exticnt!!?" she spoke loud but I could still here people pouring into the auditorium. Even through the closed door. I looked at her confused. She corrected herself " THREE CENTURIES AGO!!!" I looked at her "I know..I know...but...his eye-" she put her finger up to tell me to shush. " there's a he?! What's his name?! Is he cute?! Does he know karate?!" I looked at her then bursted into laughs. Karate?!" it was hard to say because I was laughing to hard. Then I stopped laughing but I was still snickering" if this is true then he doesn't need karate to defeat the human race" now I quieted down...someone was watching us..I went to the door and opened it just a creak. Everyone was sitting down but people were still arriving...then I saw it...Damon stared at me...from the back of the room!! Creepy..but he looked away and helped a young girl find a teenager that looked toooooo young to be her mother...but for 6.5 seconds I didn't see him as a monster....nor a human...just...well to explain it...I saw him as a cute boy..with a heart full of love.

Chapter 5

I closed the door as soon as we caught a glimpse of each other. I sat down on my butt in front of the door. I covered my face....I saw a glimpse of minzy's face before she laughed...."Ohhhhh...someone has a crush" she walked closer to the closed door. " Can u open the door...deary doo?" I had no choice..I opened the door. She looked out.." where is this boy u have goo goo eyes for?" she said with a sense of determination " i don't have a crush and he is in t-t-t-the b-back." I seem to have said this all with my face in my hands " in the back u say?....hmmm...oohhh...i foun-" she stopped in the middle and gasped...she fell back in pain and started to cry..she held her temples as she lay there petrified. She started to sob as she lay there...I tried to help her but she screamed " DONT TOUCH ME...THE BLUE FLOWERS WILL GROW!!! THE BLUE FLOWERS WILL GROW!!" I backed up and thought to myself..."what does that mean?" I went towards the door and tried to find Damon...I found him...but he stared back...his eyes stared into my if i were invisible.
Chapter 6
I looked at him as he looked at me....i felt something...something in my didn't beat for didn't move...I looked away and held my hung if it weren't a heart at all...just a dead weight...I looked at minzy. She was brushing her blue pants off..she wasn't one to wear dresses much..I gave her a look and asked if she was okay.." why wouldn't I be?!" she seem to forgot she was just crying on the floor..I shook my head and said good bye..I could here all the people getting settled down...I walked out the door and got to the corner of the auditorium..I was getting ready.. / dear readers I am gonna skip to the spelling bee...nothing really happens except she gets a paper stapled to her shirt for the s.b ( spelling bee) I stood there on the side of the stage..the crowd was chatting..then a guy with a raspy voice said" welcome to the twentieth annual spelling bee!" the attention went straight towards the voice ,which came from the middle of the stage.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2019 ⏰

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