Chapter 1

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I was abandoned. Great. Just what I needed. I was stuck in the middle of nowhere. Well I wasn't alone. I was with my older brother Liam. I was a Payne. My name is Riley Kayden Payne. Liam James Payne is my older brother by 1 year. In case your wondering why we are in the middle of no where, lets go back to 3 days earlier.


"Ugh Lyyyyyeeeuuuum I'm booored!" I whined to my older brother.

We were at his flat and the boys were over. To my surprise they weren't doing anything. Louis was lying on the floor with a carrot sticking out of his mouth. Zayn was spread across the couch sleeping. Niall was in the kitchen stuffing his face with Nandos that I just bought. Harry was in my room doing something, I'm afraid to know what that something is... Liam and I were sitting on the trampoline doing completely nothing.

"Your always bored Ri"

"True... But that's not the point! IDEA!!"

"What is it this time?"

"BEACH TIME!" I shouted loud enough for the boys to hear from the building standing in front of me.

Soon enough Louis, Niall, Zayn and Harry ran outside to us ready to leave. How did they do that so fast? I shrugged and went to my room to put a bikini on. I chose my gold and black striped one over the navy blue and white bikini. The gold and black one had little charms on it. I slipped a pair of denim shorts and grey crop top on. I examined myself in the mirror. I still had the ring on. That proves how much of a woman I am. My Purity Ring. I'm lucky I have that on, do you know how many times Harry tried getting in my pants? Alot... I smiled an grabbed my phone and wallet. I slipped the items in my back pocket and ran down the stairs. My bare feet touched the cold wooden floor.

I'm so stupid... I forgot my shoes!

I sighed an slipped on my vans. The boys were already in the car waiting for me. I put my hair up in a messy bun and ran to the car. Louis drove us to the closest private beach which was farther than expected. Good thing it was still morning. Once we arrived at the not-so-private beach I ran full speed to find the perfect spot. I grabbed my towel that Liam brought me and gentley laid it down on the sand.

Five minutes later the boys arrived at my spot and took off their shirts revaling what they had been hiding. I slipped off my shirts and shorts as well. Not to brag, but, I had a nice body.

"Are you guys gonna stop staring or are you coming with me and Liam?" I signaled the other boys toward the water.

 Liam and I ran to the water. I put my foot in and it was too cold. He was already waist deep. I'm not a cold water person. I felt hands grab my waist from behind. I jumped from the sudden touch. I turned my head and Niall was behind me about to pick me up. I felt him remove his hands from me then I felt a another pair on me. This time the hands were warm and had a less tighter grip on me. Just resting there. This time when I turned around I saw Zayn there. I screamed and he picked me up.

I banged my fists into his back but he never let me down. I started kicking. Still nothing. Was this how I die? Man up Riley your not going to die by water! But I'm not a man... GR! My thoughts are very confusing.

My thinking was interupted by salt water quickly entering my mouth. I tried standing but I slipped. Oh man, I'm going to die, PLEASE DEAR LORD DON'T LET ME DIE!! I opened my eyes and tried screaming. Nothing. I couldn't breath. My eyes slowly closed shut.

I felt some hands. Hands that were lifting me up. I still couldn't open my eyes. At least I didn't die in the water. I'm in that faze were you can't interact with anything but you can hear everything... This is what I heard,

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2012 ⏰

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