Chapter Two

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Some weeks passed, yet Spike never got over his grief, nor could he understand why Rarity was, in his mind, "executed." Spike feigned his usual personality, and pretended to be depressed about the incident. Twilight had concocted a remarkably believable alibi for Rarity, but even before Spike had read Twilight's diary, he had still felt a glimmer of doubt.

The loss of Rarity was simply too much for his little heart to bear, and in the moments of learning about Rarity's mutilation, the part of Spike that knew tolerance, knew forgiveness, knew understanding and kindness, died. All that remained was sadness and anger, and a deep desire for Rarity. Spike knew this desire could no longer be recognised. At first, he thought Twilight's diary entry to be a joke, but despite his strong urge for revenge, he knew Twilight was telling the truth. He had trusted her for so long, and the truth was, Spike still did. But he wasn't Spike anymore. The old Spike had died along with Rarity.

Now remained a heartless shell whose only desire was to avenge his world. He cared no more, for perhaps a more rational Spike could understand that Twilight still loved Spike like a son, and worked hard on the alibi not only so they would avoid consequences, but for Spike's sake.

Spike was consumed by an overwhelming anger, and the only thing he ever thought about any more was revenge. From this, a new Spike was born. A Spike that was going to destroy those who had destroyed him.

Several days later, Spike sat down to dinner with Twilight, who was struggling to eat, as her depression and remorse controlled her and left her questioning everything. She attempted to eat one bite of her hay burger, then projectile vomited profusely onto Owliwiscious, perched nearby, who proceeded to eat the remains of last night's spaghetti carboneighra.

Spike noticed this, and decided it was time to begin. While it was true he still trusted Twilight in a way, he could no longer share the world with someone that let his crumble. He feigned worriedness, and used Twilight's vomiting fit to oppurtunity. He rushed upstairs and grabbed a first aid book, which was bulky, and difficult for Spike to carry, but perfect. He quickly ran downstairs and back to Twilight's side. He flung open the book and pawed through the pages quickly, resting on a random and irrelevant page.

"These symptoms look serious. It could be any number of things," said Spike, with a slightly evil inflection.

"I-I'm fine, Spike. It's nothing. Just a fever." gasped Twilight.

"Oh really? Looks to me like you have a full blown case of encephalitis."

"D-don't be s-silly, Spike," Coughed Twilight, "That's exploding head syndrome."

"Exactly," said Spike, and slammed the book shut. He raised it above his head with as much power as he could muster, and brought it down, swiftly and forcefully. It connected at an amazing speed with the side of Twilight's head, caving in her skull and causing her to collapse to the ground. Owliwiscious attempted to intervene, but was quickly catapulted into a wall like a baseball with one swing from the book, where he hit the wall with a crunch, and slumped to the floor, quite dead.

Twilight was so taken aback by the assault she had no clue what was going on. She cricked her head upwards in time to see the book being brought down again, and it was the last thing she saw until her eyes were ejected from their sockets with the brunt of the attack. Spike continued to bring the book up and down again at superb speed, each strike mangling her crushed skull to even further extents, until finally, Spike's prediction came true- her head exploded. Her brains decorated the nearest wall, and her body stopped twitching. It was over.

Spike had learned a lot from Twilight about cleaning up, and now it was his time to shine. He struck a match and lit a roaring fire, its flames crackling smoothly. He used his trusty broom to sweep up the admittedly small parts of Twilight's cranium- and tossed it in the fire where it belonged. The inferno made short work of Twilight's remains, and Spike subjected Owliwiscious' corpse to a slow-roasting. There was no use letting perfectly delicious poultry go to waste.

Spike forged a believable suicide letter that detailed Twilight's depression and informed everypony she was off to throw herself off a cliff. When Ponyville found out, some were saddened, but most were not suprised. For them, they believed that Rarity's "disappearance" formed a good reason for her to have offed herself. Even Celestia was disheartened at best, and quickly went straight back to eating donuts and watching television shows.

Spike allowed some time to pass. He passed on offers from other ponies "to help him out" or "come stay with them", saying, "I can take care of myself."

It was true. He could. But one thing Spike did better than caring for himself, was counting.

And he knew that five minus one, meant four to go.

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