November, and the first Christmas lights

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I watch myself through fogged up

car windows as I walk through tree trunks

and lie on benches dripping with honey,

watching branches' lungs expand and contract

with the wind. Birds appear, rolling down a bowling alley

in the sky, like pepper being ground onto an omelette,

while I sit on the water and watch the world reflected

upside down in the distorting circus mirrors

I see myself in curtain-clad windows with

overhanging waterfall fairy lights from some other reality,

the first Christmas decorations sprouting a little too soon

like stubborn weeds in a well kept garden, and

I think about my own back yard, being showered

with leaves from jack-o-lantern trees,

and about how sad it is to sweep them into an opaque bag

and to seal away their glow.

I hear symphonies when those veiny leaves fall,

all sinews and nerves and squiggled love notes,

little piano polka dots and delicious tongue rolls.

I am thinking about a girl.

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