OMG!! i didn't know....

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"Mateo, and ayleo" I heard my moma called her voice full of nervousniess.

Me and ayleo paused in the middle of the game before getting ,and yelling beat you

As we both finished are sentence we ran out he room and down the stair's

I almost tripped over the last step but ayleo pulled my shirt

I then looked up seeing my mom sitting on the couch with some girl she was beatiful, had carmal skin, and had beatiful hazel eye's

I came out of my trance yelling "huh"? while ayleo did the same

My mom, and the girl giggled while my mom found the word to say "come sit down"

Me, and ayleo dashed into the liveing room jumping on the couch

"Huh what do you need my hunty? ayleo said" in a girly voice

I" busted out laughing while my mom , and the girl laughed im guessing because of the look and the way he said it

My mom gather enough word and said we called you down here bec-

Before we could finish are sentence ayleo cut her off saying because what

Ayleo shut cho rude ass up "i yelled"

Thank you mateo but i called you down here because i wanted to tell you that im bisexual and this is going to be yourrrr(yall know how people be dragging there words that what im trying to do)your stepmom the girl said finishing are moms sentence

Yeah that's what i basically was trying to say our mom said

But you good with me being bi are mom said waving her hand in a lil bite way

A lil me and ayleo said

So what is your name i said preferring to the girl

Jilly but you can call me anias "she said"

Okay me and ayleo said

So can we go now ayleo said bout to get up

Yeah are mom said with a kind and appreciated smile on her face

I got one last look at the girl before running up the stairs following ayleo
Into my room

We then begin playing call of duty until ayleo said something

Huh i said

How you feel about the mom being bi,  and other mom thing ayleo said

I really cant explain bit i know im bouta be seeing some lesbians get freaky i said

Me to ayleo said

My eyes landed back on the game as me and ayleo got are amo and started the game.

A couple minutes later i got tired

Ayleo i called

Huh he said

Im sleepy im done ill play wit you tm i tommrow i said fixing the bed and laying down while ayleo continued to play the game

Goodnight bro love you ayleo said before turning off the game and going on his side of the room

Love you bro i heard him say

I then start thinking about jilly

love you too bro i said still thing about jilly but i then got a boner but slept it

What yall think mateo was thinking about her doing?

Who yall think mateo and ayleo mom is?  Its one of the closet people she was always on YouTube.

Ill show yall the charactars tommorow.

Sorry for having a short paragraph i only made it to 557 word today. 

Ill update tommorow✔✅



My moms girlfriend (Mateo bowles&Jilly aniasWhere stories live. Discover now