Batman : The Shifting Sands Of Crime

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Present Day.......Gotham City........







                                                The Shifting Sands Of Crime






His name is Commisoner James "Jim" Gordon , a tall , dark brown mid lengthed haired , mid aged slender built man with a long face , a slight dark brown thin mustache and deep dark eyes. He is wearing a pair of black rectangular rimmed eyeglasses , a dark brown trenchcoat , a crumpled looking white dress shirt , a black necktie , a pair of dark brown clothy pants and a pair of black dressy shoes. He is the local commisioner of police in Gotham City , an esteemed veteran of the force. It is nighttime and him and several other but fully uniformed policemen working around and about him at this now particular crimescene at the end of a very long narrow dark aged alleway leading up onto a main looking and populated street , there a few parked red , blue and pink flashing lit local , black and white painted police cars parked ahead and parrelel up at this semi wide dark aged shadowy alleyway's end. Down across and along this main street's topish end of this aged dark cement ground is a crumpled up and very fallen collapsed dead looking mid heighted man is sprawled out and outstretched down all along his right curled up abit full leftside. A long faced ex beady eyed light brown haired slender dark clothed clothy man with also a pair of black hi topped sneakers , his eyes propped wide deathly open , his long face contorted snarlyingly , his long arms folded up abit down in front of himself. All under this fallen dead male person is a large dirt earthy sand semi mounded and scattered all around and about this body's basic outersides , a light tannish brown gradual spread about looking beachy or desert type looking sand.

Gordon tiredly sighs abit curiously turning around peering down this very long narrow dark aged alleyway and sees nothing but dark shadowy gareish space and distance ahead between the dark aged brickfacedish parrelel spread apart alleyway walls. just then one of the uniformed cops approaches over towards Gordon's rightside and curiously asks over to him , "we are "almost" wrapped up here for now....what should we do now...Commisoner...?" Gordon casually replies back over to him , "We "wait" Officer Jenkins....we wait for backup....." Officer Jenkins with his long youngish face squints his dark blue eyes and semi curiously asks then , "Ok sir....backup you say....Commissoner....I do not know of any....?" Gordon slightly smirks back over ahead to him now reglancing back over to his left and back up along this dark aged shadowy alleyway again and even casualler remarks , "Just "wait" for it....ok....? Matter of fact I thought I heard it coming this way....that's why I'm "kinda" looking down here for....."If" you must know..... Tell yer men to "just" standby...for now....officer..." Officer Jenkins semi polietely and semi puzzeledly looks back over to him and flatly replies , "Sure sir...sounds good Commisoner....very well then...." Gordon now indeed hears it for sure , the incoming roaring type car type engine approaching indeed from down this actual long narrow aged alleyway. Officer Jenkins ever more so confusedly abit stares alongside and semi distantly ahead beyond and beside Gordon's casually standing and peering rightside , and also further down this dark cementish shadowy alleyway.

Suddenly about a hundred feet away now an actual wide , squareish lowriding mid sized sports car looking tank appears shimmering as a mild electric looking flash of dull encompassing unsheathing looking wide outline of light happens revealing the very vehicle that is indeed driving and slightly manuvering ahead. It reveals itself fully now to be the very indeed , in fact Batmobile. A wide square flattish frontended low to the ground black metal and contructed but sporty countoured , black cushiony slight rollcage of a cockpit , sleek wide flat inward tilting abit shaped and countoured rear ended sides. Four outstreched and sportily poised large black rubbery treaded tires , two at each squatting set slender rectangular sides. Centrally up front also parrelel to each other is a pair of rectangular squareish halogen beaming headlights, both shining ultra brightly and luminous ahead and ahead as this Batmobile slightly roaringly travels on and onward ahead and ahead down this dark aged shadowy alleyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2012 ⏰

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