time travel and somewhat merging?

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Where...wait what am i doing in this house...wait...don't i still live here? No i don't...wait..i then get up off the bed i just woke up in and went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I..was somehow in my younger self...but how? "How am i supposed to know?" I heard back, ah he must be my younger self..."you bet i am. So...how did you get here?" I have no clue.."what do you mean you have no clue? What was the last thing that happened or that you did?" I thought for a moment..then it hit me...oh..i was hanging out with my boyfriends... "boyfriends?! I got boyfriends in the future!?" Yes now since you rudely interrupted me, I'll continue on.

I was hanging out with my boyfriends when a speeding car came our way, it was going to hit one of my boyfriends but..."but?" I pushed him out of the way and was hit...i remember getting thrown across the road, the pain i felt...and how horrified, panicked, and distressed that my boyfriends were in...i knew one of them were calling the hospital...then i remember one of them telling me to keep my eye's open but i just couldn't after a long while...then i fell unconscious as they arrived to take me to the hospital...

Then i woke up here"...wow..depressing..though.. your...boyfriends were alright in the end?" Yes..you don't have to worry about our boyfriends. They are safe the last time i checked..."our?" Yes ours. They are your future boyfriends after all"..ah..ok...so what happens now? This is my present...and your past but...it's going to be my future...you already had yours somewhat...so..now what?" You take control. It's only fair..it is your body after all..I'm from the future...i lived longer then you..I'm more prepared to die then you...so I'll protect you...you are my younger self after all"..oh...well...thanks? I don't really need protection but i appreciate it though." No i know you'll probably going to need it especially later on after ray dark"...ray dark?" Yes..ray dark..he promised us power...so we could protect our loved ones but he betrayed us and our teammates...our precious teammates got hurt because of him!"...Does this mean they are part of our loved ones?"

Yes..David/sakuma and joseph...they ended up using forbidden moves in soccer...it hurt them really bad and they went to the hospital again...david had it worse since he used it three times...

"...so that's their names...and they are ours?" Yes...they are ours."..then ray dark shall pay dearly for what he has done and made those two do...yes...i will cause him to fall...and make his life worse and worse...then when the time comes...he will be gone and ruined...hahahahahah!" Yes but let us not be hastily...ray dark did change in the future and is a better man now...but..."he changed? But...you still must not like him still since he hurt ours...am i right?"...right..he hurt ours..let us make him miserable or something similar to him...just for a while until he changes."..agreed...until he changes...we will do our best to make him...pay dearly..."yes...i agree... What now? Hm? What day is it? "Oh...it's Saturday...a few days before..i met him..that man...he asked me to recruit a team of soccer players..i was going to the hospital today..and i guess he was ray dark that we are going to make him pay..."yes...

Now let us go to the hospital and pay ours a visit"...lets do it..."but you shall take control since it's your body."..alright...I'll take control..." "better?" Better..i guess..since your were just in command of my...our body..."mm...now let's go.."alright lets go...then we began to head towards the hospital, when we got there we heard ours talking.

"..ours..they are just above..."i could feel his excitement at meeting ours again. I jumped through the window, surprising ours.."hi-yah boys. How are you two doing today?" i asked them smiling. They both stare in surprise, "oh huh fine.." joseph said..so he's joseph? "Yep.."so what are you two planning on doing after this?" i questioned him. "We plan on going back to royal academy." joesph said. "Well i wouldn't go back now..a man named ray dark approached me and asked me to bring in soccer players to royal academy...but..i don't like him...i dislike him...the only reason I'm doing what he asked of me was because he promised he'd help my parents out...i might not trust him but...he's the only person that i know who can help them out...so i just have to listen until he helps them and then i can leave...i know he might not keep his promise...but it's a chance I'm willing to take for them..." i said.

They both look at us in surprise, "so that's your reason...huh...ok...david?" joseph said. They both looked at each other and nodded, "we'll help you out...even if it means..returning to..ray dark...even if we don't like it...we just want to help you out.." joseph said determined. Wow..now i see why he became one of ours"..yes...ours..."i had felt my eyes widen when joseph said that. I felt myself smile, they are ours and i-we protect ours...no matter what the cost is...even if we use our body...we protect ours..."thank you...though you don't have to...i know you don't want to be around dark ray...it means a lot to me..." i said hiding a blush. They both nodded at that, "don't worry..we want to help you..even if it means going back to ray dark just for a little while..." joe said. "Joe...our joe..."i felt amused at that, my older self is a bit more...protective...

~we meet mark/endou~

Ray dark ordered us to get raimon to come here somehow...we did the same thing my older self did at his time. We pretended to be the old man and texted them to come here. After a while of waiting, we knew they'd be here soon. I started practicing with our soccer ball we had. After a very long while a bus can be seen driving to where i was at..the bus stops and out comes a kid around my age with an Orange headband around his head."..mark evens..."my older self said affectionately, telling me the name of this one and that he might be one of our boyfriends.

He asked a question and i stopped practicing, "oh? Well i apologize...I'm the one who sent out that message to you...this man came up to me a while ago...he asked me to do a few things and that was one of them...so...sorry i guess..though i do wonder if you want to meet him though? He's called ray dark..." i said and another boy comes out with googles on his face. "Jude sharp..."my older self said still affectionately. Ah he must be another future boyfriend of mine...we talked for a while and i ended up taking them to where ray dark is and where the meeting bagan between the three of them...

~during the game against raimon~

I know ray dark did something to ours...they were acting different earlier...more...power hungry? I don't know but they were different...if they use a forbidden move i will bench them...i am the captain and they will do as i say when it comes to their health and training and all...then david used it...that forbidden move...so you did do something after all ray dark! "Ray dark...we will make you pay for messing with ours...you played us like fools...now it is our turn to be the master mind and you as the fool..."i felt my older selfs anger. I walked up to david and "i thought i told you no forbidden moves! Now your hurt...go to the bench right now and your not aloud to play until your better...and i will know if your better or not..." i said and benched him. "Good move...i would do the same had i considered him mine at that moment of time...but it wasn't until later did i consider him mine...er ours..."then we continued on with the game, joe having more common sense to not use a forbidden move and make me bench him as well if he did.

Then the game ended in a tied after detectives arrived to arrest ray dark, we all escaped by rafts or some other way. I stayed until i knew they both were sent to the hospital, one because he used a forbidden move, the other to watch over him and all. I started walking away after that, despite that i wanted to stay longer and look at two of my future boyfriends...but i continued to walk until "hey wait!" i heard someone say.

I turned around to face the raimon soccer team. It was jude who said it, "yes? And what do you want?" i said a bit coldly. They weren't mine yet so i see no need to be nice to them or protect them yet...but they will be mine soon..."um..thanks for benching david after he used a forbidden move..it would have really harmed his body to do more.." jude said. "Well yeah..and i should have stopped them earlier...i knew something happened because they were acting different..i should have known he'd do something to those two while I'm gone..." i said irritated. I saw surprise on some faces, "did you become close to them?" jude asked.

"Of course...i visited them each day at the hospital. How could we not become close? Besides...when they decided to side with me that day...even if it was just for now...they became mine..and no one...and i mean no one messes with mine and gets away with it...not even ray dark..." i said, the last part was the both of us said angrily. Then i walked away from them, leaving them feeling shock and more...i visited those two in them hospital, after i checked on them and made sure they were alright, i went home. I walked to my room, went in, changed clothes and fell asleep when i slipped in my bed.

Finished! Around 1827 words now! Yay i finished chapter one! Finally! Well i hope you like and enjoy...ja ne~!

Inazuma-eleven : caleb time travel And Two Of Them In MindWhere stories live. Discover now