Ch 1

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Third person pov:
Roman was currently in his room,trying to calm down the  burning rage that was filling his body,since he got into an argument with Virgil and he was about Done with him. He knew they were dating but god Virgil pissed him off. He then did what he knew best and went over to Virgil's room and just walked in and immediately began to beat the poor boy senseless,feeling the rage that was once in his body escape by every punch and kick.

Virgil gasped and whimpered in pain after every punch and kick. He felt sadness fill his body as he takes the beating. He wasn't expecting his lover for so long beat him like this. He tried to stop him but all he got was a punch to the face that took him out so now he was just laying there,bleeding softly.

Once Roman finished he felt no sympathy for the boy and he went to the door,making sure no one was there before sprinting to his room as quick as he could,not wanting to be seen by anyone. Once he made it he closed and locked his door and looked at his bloody clothes and takes his clothes off and puts it in his Landry basket and goes to the bathroom that is connected to his room and walked in,going to the shower and running some water and running fingers through his hair. He then got into the shower and began to wash the blood off of him with a smile. He hummed some Disney songs happily. Once he finished he turns the water off and he got out the shower and he hummed softly as he got a towel and dries himself off and left the bathroom and looked in his closet and pulled out some pajamas and put them on as he grabbed the remote to his tv and went over to his bed and laid in it as he hummed softly and put on Princess and The frog. He watched it till he eventually fell asleep.

Patton was on his way to his kiddo's room happily. He soon made it and opened the door "Kid- VIRGIL!!!" He screamed as he ran over to Virgil's body and he got up and rushed into Virgil's bathroom and got some medical supplies and rushed back to Virgil and placed him against the wall,quickly taking care of his wounds. He knew Roman wouldn't do anything like this so he Thought Logan did it and he felt a burning rage fill his body. As soon as Patton finished he zoomed out the door and downstairs,getting Virgil some water and going back upstairs and placed the cup of water on the bedside table and walked out the room and to Logan's room.

Logan was in his room,cleaning up some fake blood on his shirt. He was doing something and he actually spilled it on himself. Unlucky for him it looked exactly like real blood,so when Patton walked in he was furious to find That Logan had some 'Blood' on him

"LOGAN!!! HOW DARE YOU HURT VIRGIL???" Patton screamed at him

Logan jumped and looked at Patton "Patton I-"

"NO! DON'T YOU SAY A FRICKING WORD!! YOUR GROUNDED FOR A WEEK! NO DOING ANYTHING BUT SIT HERE AND THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU DID!!!" Patton said,snapping so everything in his room was gone. And Patton left Logan.

Logan sighed softly and just agreed with him as he got up and went to the bathroom and takes his clothes off and got into the shower and washed himself off. Once he  finished he got out and dried himself off,washed his face,brushed his teeth and went to his closet and got out his space pajamas and put them on and laid in his bed and curled up,beginning to fall asleep.

Patton sighed softly as he ran fingers through his own hair and went downstairs and made a snack for Virgil and brought it up to him in his room. He placed it on his bedside table and kissed Virgil's head "Goodnight kiddo..." he said As he left his room and went to his own and taking his clothes off And replacing them with Pjs as he laid in his bed and curled up with one of his Stuffies and cried himself to sleep like he did every night

(ÒwÓ welcome to my new and improved story- hope you enjoy!!)

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