The Fault In Our Forever.

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((Before I post any of the chapters, I would just like to say that, yes. This is a Rydellinton fanfiction. And, yes. The plot line was inspired by John Green's The Fault In Our Stars, but it will NOT be the same. I will use the odd quote and stuff, but that's it. Negative comments really aren't needed. As for anything else, please just enjoy. My twitter is @oheyitselise if you guys have any comments. :) Enjoy!

P.S. In this fanfic, Rocky is not related to Rydel. The only brothers she has are Ryland, Ross and Riker.))

Despite the tumour-shrinking medical miracle that bought a few extra years to her life, Rydel was still, and would never be anything different than terminal. Her whole life was a book, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. Her body was a grenade, ticking away, and it could blow any minute. But when life throws a spanner in the works and a handsome plot twist named Ellington Ratliff is thrown into the fix, her story is about to be tipped upside down and she realises that the rest is still unwritten..

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