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Alex POV

"Hello? Anyone here?" I heard a voice call. I walked into the main room and saw a man around my age standing in front of me. He had so many freckles, that was the first thing I noticed. And his turtle shirt was the second thing. I got nervous. I was never good with people, even if I'd know them a long time. He waved when he saw me. "Hi! Are you my roommate?" He asked. I panicked and started to sweat. I dithered for a few moments and literally ran to my room and slammed the door behind me, cursing myself onto the floor.

Johns POV

I was kind of offended. How rude to just leave like that. I guess he answered my question though. I saw him sprint off to his room, which, unusually had a sign on the door saying 'do not enter under any circumstances'.

I assume he's just an asshole. Whatever. I walked into an other room next to that one. It was a double room, two beds. On one side there was a French flag put up above the bed and in the other someone had set up a little sewing corner. They both had their things sprawled around the room. I was curious as to who my other roommates were. I'd already met one kind of. I went in the last room wich was empty thank god. I started to unpack my stuff.

Alexanders POV again


Why did I do this to myself?

More blood.

Why couldn't I just be normal?

Another cut.
And an other.
And an other.

He'd think me a horrible person now. I made a terrible first impression. And I wouldn't ever be able to tell him about it. I didn't regret my choice to go mute, it had helped me considerably. But every night I cried about how everyone hated me. How they thought me rude for not answering them when they asked. How they thought me quick to make the decision, even though I'd spent nights deliberating it, killing myself slowly for the choice. I had no friends to share the burden with, not that I could discuss it anyway. I'd lost everything in the hurricane, including my right mind. All I had was my brother and cousin and the memories I shared with my mother.

I sighed shakily. I hated thinking. It made me think of memories and some memories weren't good. My mind would go back and forth and everywhere.  It made me tired and when I slept, I remember. Remembering made me frantic. I'd once attempted suicide because of it. I was woken up screaming and I couldn't handle it anymore. I took up my blade. It wasn't the last time. I had attempted 17 times in the last 12 months. I was so broken. I was just... dead. Mentally and physically.

No ones POV

Lafayette looked at the door. This was his new home. "Thanks for getting me ice cream, mon ami. I needed it," He said, still standing at the door. He looked up into his eyes. Those eyes... He'd been in love with Herc for years, but being his emotionally-restrained self, he'd never once let it slip. No one knew he was pansexual pansexual means that you don't care about a persons gender, you just want them to have a good personality. He didn't want anyone to know because if they did they'd make fun of him more than he is already. You see, after all his family passed away, he moved in with a stepfather. And well, his stepfather raped him countless times before Lafayette ran away to America. He had to run away at only thirteen. He'd had severe depression since then. Every night he'd cry and scream in his sleep, but when Hercules came into his life, he never screamed because Herc would comfort him at night. Worst thing was, Hercules had never had a boyfriend, only girlfriends. He'll never be mine. He's straight...

He pushed open the door and walked into the main room. He heard a loud crash coming from the spare room. "That must be our new roommate!" Herc said and walked into the spare room.

They saw a man their age with poofy hair and a turtle t-shirt lying on the floor with stuffed animal cushions surrounding him. He saw the two standing in the door way and shot up. "I'm so sorry.." he rubbed the back of his head meekly.

Johns POV

Fuck my life.

One of my roommates is a weirdo and I've just embarrassed myself in front of my other two.

I picked myself up off of the floor and held out my hand to the more muscley one. "Hi, I'm John Laurens. I'm so sorry for that. I'm your roommate I think." I said as he took my hand and shook. I shook the other ones hand as well. "Our other roommate arrived while you were out I think. But he's a bit of a jerk. I was really nice to him and he kind of ran away." I chuckled slightly.
"I'm sure he's just nervous or something. I know I am when I meet new people." The other one said with a very thick French accent. I gasped and laughed at my reaction.
"Are you from France?"
He hesitated and fidgeted but took a deep breath. "Yes. I was there until thirteen." Something bad must've happened there.

We stood there in silence for a little while while the French one fidgeted again. "I'm going to meet our other roommate.." he mumbled.
The other one grabbed his hand and said, "I'll come with you." Are they an item?? Was all I could think. I mentally slapped myself for assuming. I followed them through to the hallway. "Oh and by the way, my names Hercules Mulligan. And this is... Lafayette for short."
"What's his full name?" I asked, utterly curious now.
Hercules stopped and put his hand on my shoulder. "Trust me, mate. You don't wanna know." he chuckled. Suddenly, we all heard a pained yelp coming from the room right in front of us. I started to sweat. Then the door opened and I saw our roommate, pale and sweaty with a blanket wrapped round him, stop and look at us in shock. He stumbled passed us, pulling the door closed, and opened and slammed the door to the bathroom. Weird. Told you both.

"See what you mean now." Hercules sighed.
"I'm not convinced yet. I'm sure he's nice after all." He said. "nous luttons tous parfois. en particulier les fragiles mentalement, comme moi." He then mumbled. I don't speak French. What the fuck.

Hope this was alright for a first chapter. I'll probably come back and do a bit of editing. Hope you enjoyed. Words: 1142

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