Chapter 1- The Hardest Part

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I straightened my badge on my chest, taking a deep shaky breath. Catching a glance of myself in the mirror my stomach churned, I was a mess hair disheveled, mascara tears staining my cheeks, eyes red from crying and lack of sleep.
Taking another deep shaky breath to steady my racing heart I rummaged through my bag for my car keys, I left the the hospital bathroom flashing a weak smile and nod at Charles, Rosa and Gina sat patiently in the waiting room.
"Ada be careful with him" Charles called giving me a quick hug as I left.
"I'll try" I nodded this was gonna be the hardest few hours of my life.

I pulled into the airport, found a parking place. I made my way to arrivals. Looking at the board I realised his flight would land in 5 minutes.
"Ada...." he smiled surprised to see me.".... I'm not being rude but where's Ames?" He asked confused.
"She had something to sort out that couldn't be avoided she said she was sorry" I lied.
He rolled his eyes "I thought my wife would at least make the effort to welcome me home after my long trip" he joked.
"You've only been gone a week" I muttered under my breath but a lot can change in a week.
"Huh?" Jake asked oblivious to what I'd said.
"Nothing, anyway how's your mum doing." I asked quickly changing the subject.
"Getting there, all things considered, she's just find things real hard now..."Jake sighed sadly. "... anyway did I miss anything exciting whilst I was gone" Jake pondered in his own attempt at changing the subject quickly.
I let a deep shaky sigh as tears welled in my eyes again, I knew I had to tell him at some point but I didn't know how. A single tear I was fighting trailed down my cheek closely followed by another.
"Ada what's wrong, what is it?" Jake asked concerned.
I pulled the car over in a lay-by killing the engine. I took another cold shaky breath.
"There's something I need to tell you, but I don't know how" I stated sadly looking around trying to avoid his concerned sad gaze.
"What is it Ada" he asked again placing a delicate hand on my knee.
"Yesterday... yesterday at work there was an incident..."I trailed off
"What kind of incident, is everyone alright?" Jake questioned quickly panic clouding his voice.
"No...' I paused taking another deep breath trying and failing to fill my lungs with air as sob now escaped my lips '... it's Amy she's in a really bad way and they don't know wether she'll...." sobs now fully consumed me as I broke down.
I felt a pair of warm arms wrap around me in attempt at comfort. Nothing was said, nothing needed to be said as we sat there for what felt like eternity him holding me as I cried.
"I take it we're heading straight to the hospital?" Jake stated his voice only mustering a whisper. How was he staying so calm right now his wife was fighting for her life and he was stone cold calm.
"Yeah, Charles, Rosa and Gina are already there." I replied starting up the car and pulling out the lay-by.
"Ok" He said simply.

Author note; This is just a little first teaser chapter the next ones will be much longer (and better) this is just to get the ball rolling and to get over my laziness and writers block, comments and feedback would be nice and encourage me to write more and more often.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2018 ⏰

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