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Bruno thanked for another cup of coffee with a small smile on his face. The white, porcelain cup containing the drink was probably his third within the last two hours, but Buccellati didn't plan nor hope for any sleep tonight. He had too much work and it had to be done.

He never liked to leave anything for the very last moment. It was especially true when it came to his feelings. That one was just the thing he would save for the good moment, but hopefully not the last one.

"You should get some sleep, Buccellati. With that kind of lifestyle, you're going to pass away soon, and I don't think that our team would want their beloved capo gone." said the tall man, leaning over Bruno's desk, his light hair put in a braid swinging freely to the side of his neck.

Abbacchio didn't wear that kind of hairstyle. Usually. But for the past few days, Bruno talked a lot with Giorno, which... inspired him.

It's not like he was jealous. Giorno is just a kid so no way that the amount of attention he gets from Bruno would make Leone lose his cool, but it's nice to change a thing or two (sometimes).

"Less coffee, more sleep, Buccellati."

"You know I have to get it done. Today."

"Tonight." Abbacchio corrected him, the corners of his mouth rising delicately as he did. He then grabbed "The Duke and I" from the bedside table and sat on the black leather chair in the corner of the room. The dim light of the lamp on the shelf above the chair illuminated the book, highlighting the black letters on the yellowish paper of the novel.

It was 2 am, a time when most people sleep. Bruno, however, didn't care for the time displayed on the nearby clock, he would work all night if it meant that everyone was satisfied. He would work even if it left marks on him, whether that be dark bags under his eyes or his hair being a mess.

Abbacchio didn't care about how the man looked in the morning. What was important to him was how he felt - and he cared about this way more than it would seem at first glance.

"Right, Abbacchio. Why don't you go to sleep?"

Leone lifted his chin a little at the sound of his name. Realizing this gesture, he quickly looked back at the book he was 'reading', ignoring the question asked by his capo.

Of course, he wouldn't tell Bruno how deeply he cared about him and that he would stay up as long as Buccelatti is going to work.

After all that happened in his miserable life, he thought that his heart has became nothing but stone. But after all the time that has passed, he couldn't deny having a crush on Bruno.
The man saved his life and before he noticed, one bottle of wine after another has been replaced by his company and smile. Leone felt like he owed Bruno his life and couldn't believe that such a magnanimous person would choose him to become a part of his gang. And with this, his life as well. Why would a man of his position offer help to someone like him? A drunk who lost the only job he was ever good at, unable to stand straight, a wrecked ship. Shadow of human he once was, before... the accident.

"Leone?" Bruno yawned, turning his head in Abbacchio's direction, interrupting the man's inner monologue. His past wasn't a glorious thing to think about, so he was grateful to be out of this trance.

"Yes?" A slight pink tint appeared on his cheeks at the sound of his first name being used. Thankfully, the light wasn't bright enough to let Bruno notice this detail of Leone's face.

Bruno put down a file and smiled at his companion's quick response.

"Can you bring me a snack? I'm a bit hungry and I don't think another cup of coffee would help me much."

"Sure, boss." Abbacchio immediately put the book down, heading towards the kitchen of their current safe zone.

The tall man carefully calculated his steps, as he didn't want to wake anyone up.

Giorno would be the only exception.

Bruno watched the graceful movements of Leone. Without knowing, he bit his lip, focusing on the beauty of the man. He walked like a cat - his slim silhouette was graceful, and his dark clothes highlighted his natural elegance.

To Bruno, Leone had no imperfections. His skin was soft and clear, he assumed that his hair must be soft too, but he didn't have a chance to touch it in any way.


He gathered his thoughts back together. After few minutes, Abbacchio brought him a plate of bruschetta's with prosciutto crudo. He absolutely loved them.

"Thank you very much." the capo smiled at his friend, as he bent to leave the sandwiches at the desk.

The moment Abbacchio lowered his silhouette, Bruno grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips.

It couldn't be.

Leone froze for a moment, processing what just happened.

The pale man could feel instant warmth convening in his body, especially his face, now rosy from the instant blood rush. He wasn't sure if it was a dream or not, at least not until the shorter male's giggle echoed through the room, as the man found the sigh of the confused goth with bright red cheeks very amusing.

Buccellati stood up and hugged Abbacchio surely, silently confirming that all of this is real. After a minute or two, Leone snapped out of whatever the kiss has done to him and wrapped his arms around Bruno's waist, making the whole act more intimate.

Abbacchio let out a soft laugh, a sound that was quite rare to be heard by anyone. His heart was beating faster than ever, now holding his lover surely in his arms.

"Why me? Aren't you scared that I'm gonna make your life miserable?" he whispered, concerned, whether the kiss was just a spontaneous decision his love will regret, or maybe a release of feelings kept secretly in the depth of the heart of Passione's leader.

"Because you are the reason my life is better than it ever was. Your beauty never scared me, Leone. Ever."

They looked each other in the eyes, smiled, and once again locked their lips gently, as dim lights on opposite sides of the room merged their shadows into one.

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