*Chapter 1*

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Today was my first day at training. My father had always wanted me to go, but my mother was reluctant. Me? I had always looked forward to the day that I would become a warrior. Now, to be honest, I was terrified.

Other wolfs in the clan said I looked like my dad. I had dark grey fur, yellow eyes, and white paws. My name is Dawn and I am in the Moon Clan.

There are four clans in my woods. Moon clan, River Clan, Sky clan, Star clan ( The best ). Moon clan members are excellent hunters. River Clans are the best swimmers, and fishers. And star clan, they are the best at, everything. It is a high honor to be in star clan. And Sky clan members are the best at being persuasive.

I walked into the training area to find many wolves going head to head. I was amazed at their fighting skills. They could dodge any attack, and they could give the most devastating blows.

That day at orientation I was put into the newbies training course. Everyone started that way, but if you were better, you moved up quickly.

The first day of training we had to partner up. I looked around trying to find the best wolf as my partner. But, the best were quickly taken. So I found a small wolf just like me to partner up with. "Hello," he said shyly "My name is Tread"

"I'm Dusk" I replied, trying to hide the nervousness in my voice. but I could tell he tried to do the same.

" First we will learn some simple dodging technique" said the trainer.

" One partner will come with me to learn dodging, and the other will go with my assistant to learn attack."

Tread went with the trainer to learn dodging, and I went with the assistant. He gave us instructions on the most basic technique there was. He said it would be the base for anything we would ever learn. We learned where to bite, and where not to bite. When to bite, and when not to bite. The session was over, and I went to learn dodging.

The trainer told us we would need to learn to dodge if we wanted any chance of living. She gave us instruction on how to see when someone was about to attack. She said if we knew that, we could evade most oncoming attacks.

Soon it was time for the first fight of our lives. I had to fight Tread, because he was my partner. We began to fight but we both could not get the other because we were so good at dodging.

Soon the battle ended with a tie. The masters told us we would be advancing. But one of us had to choose a speed sub class, and the other a strength. Tread chose strength so, I got speed.

For the last part of our training every day, we had a lesson on clan history, and the importance of clans. Today's lesson was on The importance of clan unification. The teacher explained how Moon clan got food for the clans, and how star clan lead the clans, how sky clan kept order, and made laws, and how River clan was to help keep watch for any enemies that may attack. Mostly bears, or lone wolfs in search if meaning.

At the end of the day we ate and slept.

My personal favorite part of training. I hadn't slept so well for a while. I was very tired.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2014 ⏰

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