chapter 1

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Isabella's POV:

Shawn. I love you. I hate you. I love you. I hate you. I love the way your big hands wrap around my waist when I'm not expecting it.

I hate how you whine so much.

But I love you so much it makes me look past all your imperfections. the things I love about you are so much more than the things I hate about you.

"I love you too bells." Shawn says as he rolls his eyes and chuckles. It was so cute when he did that....

Let's go to the mall with Sara and Jack!

(Sara is Isabella's bestfriend and Jack (Gilinsky) is Shawn's bestfriend. Sara and Jack have been dating for 5 years.)

"Okay bells." Says Shawn with his cheeky smile.

(Skip care ride.)

Me and Shawn get out of the car and make out way to the malls entrance.

Should I get Sara and Jack to meet us in the food court? I ask Shawn.

"Yaaaaaas I could totes use food right now gurl!" Shawn says in a girl voice.

We both burst out laughing and we get weird looks from a strangers but we honestly don't care.

We start walking to the food court and we see them waiting for us. Guys let's take a picture! I say. "Sure haha" they all say.

I take a pictures of us and upload it to Instagram with the caption "I love these people so much ♥️"

My notifications blow up but I guess that's just one of the pros of having a famous boyfriend.

We all start talking about funny stories and life when Shawn puts his arm around me.

"Are you guys dating?" Asks Sara.

It's a love hate relationship. I giggle.

"The feelings mutual..." Shawn smirks at me.


this came to me when I was taking a crap tbh...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2014 ⏰

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