Stay with me

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I stared at him and took a deep breath and spoke. " nothing's wrong" "I'm fine" I said faking a smile.

He looked at me and said, " please tell me if something is wrong".

(Paula): "I'm fine" "I don't need anyone's help" I said walking away.

(Simon): please Paula, even though I don't know you as well. I know something's up. Can we go to my house and talk about it please? He grabbed me before I left.

(Paula): okay, I said looking at him. We walked to his house and as I entered his door step it was extremely big. It was a big house. He lived like a millionaire. Well, he is an architecture.

(Simon): please, make your self home. He looked at me and went up stairs to change into computable clothes.

10 minutes later. He was wearing some gray sweat pants and a white t- shirt showing his manly nipples. It made me blush a little, but looked away as soon as he started at me.

(Simon): okay, now that we are at my house. We have more privacy. Please paula tell me, why are you always afraid of me being around you?

(Paula): it has nothing to do with you Simon. It's just... When I was working in Manhattan as an assistant for a really important man his name was Michael. One day I was working in my office. When he comes inside and locks the door and.. Tears running down my face.

(Simon): and what Paula? You can tell me...

(Paula): he came close to me and Raped me... I said looking down while crying.

(Simon):oh, Paula I'm so sorry. He leaned closer to me to give me a hug.

(Paula):the worse part of it all. He lied to the staff in front of me saying I wanted him.

(Simon); that bastard. I would have killed him.

(Paula): that's why I'm scared of men all the time. I'm sorry I made you think it was you.. Staring at him

(Simon): don't worry about it darling.

Did he just call me darling. What does that mean? Does he like me? Why do I have to be scared all the time? I hate myself...

3 hours went by just talking about my life and his. I was falling for him but at the same time was afraid. I can't imagine myself going though that again.

(Paula): Its getting late. I should go now..

(Simon): no, please stay. I really..

(Paula): really what?? Said with a questionable face

(Simon): I really think you should stay for the night..

(Paula): I don't think that's a great idea.

(Simon): please I would never do something to you to hurt you. Please.

(Paula): okay, but where would I sleep??

(Simon): my guest room. If you want

(Paula): ya that would be fine. She said while giving him a half smile.

It was getting late that simon and I decided to go to bed now. I changed into some clothes Simon gave me. I had fun at his house. We ate and talked about our lives. He was very nice to be when he found out of my incident. He was caring.

It was 3:00am and I couldn't sleep. I lay there in bed thinking and wondering. I thought of my life before the incident. I loved going to work.My family and friends they were my life. That's when the nightmare came to mind. I began crying and next thing you now my eyes were extremely red and puffy. I heard a knock at my door.

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