1. intro

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1. I'm sorry this chapter and the next one are so long

2. sorry I'm making it longer. but I found a quote yesterday at a bookstore that made me feel more confident about this story.

"Either write something worth reading or worth writing." - Benjamin Franklin.

This story is definitely worth writing even if you don't feel like it is worth reading.


"It was hard to believe that 2 years ago I was left to my own house at only 13. My parents had told me they were going on a business trip to Hawaii for a week and never came back. Who does that? My parents, my parents did that. I was mad at first but got over it quickly I didn't even notice they were gone for 3 weeks until I ran out of food. I felt pretty stupid for not noticing. They left the day after my 13th birthday. I quickly realized that I was going to need to pay rent, but I was 13! No one is going to hire a 13-year-old. Even McDonalds wouldn't hire someone that young. But I did know one cheapskate that might. That year he was going to have his great nice and nephew over for another summer. I met them last year we became friends but not very close because of my parents. They wouldn't let me see them because they were "a danger". Just because some gnomes followed me home from their place! and why would my parents care if I was in danger? I made my way to the Mystery Shack where I talked my way into a really low-paying job. The crazy part was when I went to pay my bills I found out that my parents had done it for me. I looked through my mail to see I had a letter from them.

Dear (Y/N),

Hey, honey, we know you're a smart girl and could find a way to live, but we thought if we were going to leave we might as well pay your bills until you are 18. We will pay for heat, electricity, and the house but that's all, good luck buying food. We love you our little bumblebee. Be safe. Stay away from the Pines family, and don't talk to strange men. Remember we love you.

They love me! They left me here. No, they can't say that. Well, long angry story short I burned every note they wrote to me and every picture we had together. Except one. A picture of us with my grandma because she actually cared about me. She had no choice but to leave me.

And now two years later even though I didn't NEED the job I kept it. It's really the only human interaction I get. I don't really like humans but I do need some interaction or I will go insane. Plus it is nice to be able to afford my phone. I can't live without that thing. I made friends with you and Dipper mostly to break my parent only rule but you are both super fun. Plus as a job bonus sometimes a cute guy comes into the shack." I was telling Mabel about my life because she finally asked me after knowing me for two years.

"Oh I'm sorry (Y/N) I just assumed that your parents died."

"Is that supposed to be better?" I asked with a laugh. She shrugged in my mind it would be better if they had died then they would leave me because they had to, not because they wanted to. I looked up at the gift shop it was packed.

"Friday the 13th is a busy day for the shack," Mabel told me.

"Yeah, let's hope a cute mystery guy comes in," I told her. She laughed

"No those are the worst! Dipper just assumes they are zombies or vampires." she laughed

"Yeah but now he has a girlfriend so he will be too busy to bother you about your choice in guys," I told her. It is weird thinking of little dip n' dots with a girlfriend. "How is his girlfriend?" I asked.

"Insane! I mean one day she is a diva the next she is sweet and charming! And who in their right mind would date my brother?" Mabel said

"MABEL THAT'S SO MEAN! Mean, but true." I remarked. We both laughed a lot I heard someone ring the service bell. I looked up to see a really cute guy.

"Hi, how can I help you?" I said looking into his yellow eyes. Well, eye to be more exact. The other was covered in a mixture of his side-swept golden hair and an eye patch. He wore a yellow dress shirt, bowtie, and a menacing grin. He looked like a total dork but in an endearing way, 

"I NEED to ... buy this," he said buy as if it were a new word, he seemed annoyed with the fact he was here. He didn't have to be this was his choice. He then put a snow globe that looked just like the Mystery Shack on the counter. I smiled.

"That will be 6 dollars and 18 cents," I told him. Mabel had been strangely quiet. I looked to her she was looking at the clock most likely counting down the minutes until we went on break so she could use her phone without Gruncle Stan (he insists I call him that) wouldn't yell at her. Probably to spam dip n' sauce with texts about his date. I looked back to my customer.

"Do you have change for this?" he asked as he pulled out I comical gold bar. My eyes widened, I held back a laugh.

"NOPE" yelled Gruncle Stan " I'll take over girls," he said as he pushed us out of his way, practically making me hit the ground. "Take your break early." Then he started talking to the stranger. I sighed. I walked to the porch and sat on the couch the sun was bright and unblocked it was disgusting. I pulled out my phone. Mabel soon plopped down next to me

"That guy was cute! He likes yellow as much as I like pink" she said

"And he looked good in it," I said matter of factly, 

"Well thank you, ladies," said the man from before. Well, man is a bit of a stretch he looked as if he was only a year or two older then I was. I blushed as he winked at me and continued until he walked into the forest. Maybe nerd wasn't the right word for him. 

this chapter is dedicated to my "Sibling" Stargazer2005 because they encouraged me to post this

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this chapter is dedicated to my "Sibling" Stargazer2005 because they encouraged me to post this. (art is by them)

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