Play Time

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My name is Y/N and I'm twenty two years old. I have a shitty job at a restaurant, I live by myself, okay not really because I have my German Sheppard. His name is Bandit. He's a good boy.

What a long day at work, customers yelling and complaining. I just wanted to go home. Just two more hours until I get off work. Damn was it boring at work today, watching the clock didn't help much. Finally it was time to go home. I quickly grabbed my bag and the keys to my car. Before returning home, I stopped by the local gas station paying for two Monster energy drinks. After leaving the gas station, I started to drive home. Thirty minutes passed and I finally made it back home. Once I was home I got out of the car and reached for the keys closing and locking it. After pulling the handle a couple of times to make sure it was locked, as I started walking to the door. Barking was heard from the other side. I smile at that, Your German shepherd was eager to see you. I opened the door only to be jumped on by Bandit. You laughed as Bandit started to lick your face. You finally pushed him off and got up allowing your German Shepherd to go out to pee and you know... After five minutes you whistled and called Bandit, who came running back in. I glanced over at the dim light that was over by the trash cans, seeing both of them was knocked over.  I stepped out Closing the door behind me. After sighing and pinching the bridge of your nose groaning. "Okay so either a Raccoon or Bandit did this." I mumbled while walking over picking them up and setting them up right. With a satisfied nod, I turned around and headed back inside. Thank god you were home. Away from the stress of working. At least I can relax and enjoy the couple of days off. My stomach started to growl. To bad that I'm almost out of food. I haven't got paid yet. So instead of complaining, I started to Cook a thing of chicken ramen noodles. You started to eat my ramen, but something wasn't right. Oh yeah! How could I forget it, my laptop were forgetting something.. Oh yeah the laptop. After you got accepted at your new job you didn't have time to play games, blog, write fanfics ( See what I did there?) And watching YouTube videos. You could have used your phone but you didn't want to use up all my data in one day. Sigh. I had to admit I really missed watching markiplier and jacksepticeye. But I didnt have the time like I used to. Oh well I could always watch them when you get some days off. Wait what time is it? You dared to ask yourself checking your phone to see the time. "Holy shit its one in the morning! Well I guess I'll take a shower and then go to bed." With said you grabbed a shirt that was quite long enough to almost cover most of your thighs. A pair of mens boxers, and a sports bra. You headed to the bathroom and turned on the hot water barley turning the cold side so the water wouldn't burn your skin. After stripping off your clothes, you stepped into the water humming, enjoying the warmth of the water on your skin. After wetting your hair I started to open the shampoo and poured a certain amount for my hair and started to massage your scalp.


You instantly froze feeling for both knobs turning them off.



I swear to god that I heard someone... Giggle? No it couldn't be. I locked the door and Bandit wasn't barking. With a shrug you turned the shower back on. I was slightly parinoid but that didn't stop me from showering. I washed all the shampoo and soap off of my body and stepped out of  the shower. I grabbed a towel and started to dry myself off. What a pleasant show-


Bandit started barking and growling loudly. This made me get dressed quickly, running out the door now in the bedroom only to find Bandit barking at the computer desk.


"Bandit come on nobody's here stop barking."

He groweled more, with his tail up in the air. What could he possibly be barking at? I looked at the desk and found nothing. Why was he still barking then? This freaked me out nobody was there and most importantly the laptop was open but it was turned off. In fact it hasn't been turned on in weeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2018 ⏰

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