1. Sister

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Chapter one: Sister

They've always been told not to go near the forest

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They've always been told not to go near the forest. Which rest on the east side of their small village.
Children and adults were often reminded not to dare linger anywhere near it.

The forest is said to hold mysteries and dangers. It was said to be the home of creatures far from what they could imagine. Thus making the place not for humans like them.

But at the same time, it was also the only place where a specific flower (that was said to be the cure of any diseases) grows and blossom. The flower of life as they call it. Planted in a garden owned by a really dangerous creature, on the heart of the forest. Guarded by nymphs, faes, and even the forest itself.

Lia grew up with those tales.
Tales told by the elders of her small village. Tales about the whimsical forest. Tales that often lure her to see those creatures by herself.

But of course, even if their house was just meters away from it, she still did not dare sneak into the said land.

Her parents did not fail to tell her not to wander near it whenever she and her brother would play outside their house.
Her mother would always check on them through the window of their kitchen, making sure they won't near the forest's mouth.

As she grew up, she learned to ignore the temptations. Her mind no longer wonder to the forest near their house, and to the creatures lurking inside of it.
She never bother to try and look. As she live peacefully outside of it.

But everything turned downhill.
When one day, their parents had to leave the town to earn some money, leaving an ill brother on Lia's hand.

Her brother have always been weak. Frail. Often sick. That's why they need more money for medicines and herbs.

And with their parents job, who only take money from supplying woods to the town,
it was impossible to earn much within their village. Their town. And so they have to leave and find job, find a more cheaper herbs they can use for her brother's medicines.

Lia wiped the sweat off her face as she put down the woods she've collected near the river. The only place of the forest that they are allowed to go. But not until the sun was setting.
The river is still part of the forest. The dangers might just be around the corners waiting to bite them.

After setting fire for cooking, she've gone inside their house to check on her brother. Who at the moment, was asleep on his bed.

After checking on the young boy. Lia have gone back to cooking their meal.
Vegetables are all they can afford. Mostly those they work hard to grow and harvest.

There are still bread that their parents left for them to eat, but it would not last long if they both eat it. And so Lia had to make sacrifices.
She'd give her brother the food with the bread, and she'll settle for the leftovers.

They barely have money in their purse, so they must get used to sharing foods. And the vegetables that Lia was growing wouldn't be good for harvest until the three next months.

"Say 'ah' ggukie." Lia said, trying her best to make the boy eat his meal.

The weak boy forced himself to take whatever it is his sister was making him eat. Though the taste of the same food they eat everyday turned his tongue numb.

"You have to eat for you to be well." Lia reminded her brother. After noticing the faces he'd make right after taking the food in his mouth.

The boy nod and sighed. "But sister...I've been eating the same food and drinking the same medicines you've given me, but nothing works." His voice cracked. Emphasizing his weak state.

Lia could only sighed. She doesn't know what to say.

  Each day the boy would gone weaker and weaker. As the herbs and food they have stored would lessen.

And before Lia knew.
It has been a month after their parents have left. But no notes or anything from them—came back.

Some people from their village could only show their sympathies for the siblings. Some wives were kind enough to give them bread, but Lia knew that one of these days, everything wouldn't be given for free, and so she must find a job to support her and her brother. Or at least learn to hunt for food just like the men of their small village. As she have no idea if her parents are still alive, or if they will ever come back—or if they ever abandoned them.

And now, she can't be so sure anymore.

The only hope they've got now is her. If she wont learn to hunt for food, harvest crops, or even earn money—no one would sustain their needs. So she must provide for them. 

And Lia is willing to do everything for her brother.

This book is work of fiction. Names, characters, some places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination and are used in fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Plagiarism is a Crime.

Try to plagiarize this and you will face the wrath of the Author.

The Witch
STORY BY: misisnicheolito (formerly bts7ven)

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