Floating Far, Far, Far Away...

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Breeze had always enjoyed dancing ever since she was a toddler. She always loved twirling and swaying, creating patterns in the blue sky. How the cool air caressed her skin as she pirouetted and pirouetted! How weightless and free she felt, roaming the skies! In fact, she was weightless, being able to float and fly along with the clouds. The clouds would often float away, leaving her alone, in the rain, so she would dance once more, to her heart's content. The truth was, dancing and flying was all Breeze ever did;  occasionally she would talk to the clouds, but they seemed disinterested and the meadow below her felt so far away from home that she never ventured down out there. Sometimes she would talk to herself, pretending that another person was talking back, but she knew they weren't real, so she floated into the sky once more, like a feather, floating so far and far away from humanity. 

Breeze floated further and further up into the skies, reaching the dense, misty clouds. Like cotton balls, they floated around her, so she floated away with them. 

"Hey, Mr Cloud! Nice weather, isn't it? How is your wife Mrs Cloud?" Breeze tried to catch up with the cloud whom she was socializing with, but he seemed disinterested and gradually faded away, pouring down on the world below. "Oh, it's ok. I suppose you had already served your purpose in this world, like the many clouds here. Goodbye, Mr Cloud. It was lovely knowing you." Breeze wandered on, across the skies again, not stopping to talk to any of the clouds this time. 

"Hi, Breeze!"

"Hi, me."

"How is life up in the sky?"

"Oh, it's just the same as you know," Breeze paused a second and sighed, before continuing her conversation with herself with, "Like you'd know anything better; you're just me." Breeze seemed very bored as she stated this, now flying away once again into the distant sky. 

Sitting high above the world, Breeze's eyes fell down to the unexplored world below. How the green landscape spread amongst the floor, like a carpet, eventually fading away and contrasting with the tall, bright beams of light! How they beamed over the green carpet, many small, square lights on these mysterious, tall buildings igniting as the moon arose! Many small lights ignited by these buildings, matching the stars around them. Breeze wondered what life must be like, looking outwards towards the rest of world, if, of course, there was life in the small world bellow.  All Breeze had ever known was so far away from anyone like her - nothing seemed to think like her, or at least have a brain. Sometimes Breeze told herself that maybe they just didn't know how to communicate, or they couldn't understand her. The truth was, she spent so much of her life rotting away in the skies, she had no understanding of what life really was like. She doubted she ever would, unless she made a change...

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