Chapter 1

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      Beep! Beep! Beep! I heard the annoying beep of my alarm clock and groaned as I drowsily put it on snooze and went back to sleep.
      "Roxy, it's time to get up, you're gonna be late to school!" My mother called from down stairs. I groaned as I rolled out of bed and walked down the hall to the bathroom to take a shower.
      After I finished my shower I wrapped my towel around my wet body tightly and walked back to my room to look for something to wear. As I searched through my closet I heard a tapping on my window. Tap... Tap... Tap... I walk to my window and peek through the blinds only to see my one best friend throwing pebbles at my window. I waved my hand gesturing for her to come to my room. She quickly understood and rushed to the front door.
      Two minutes later she came knocking on my bedroom door as if she was running away from someone and was trying to hide.
      "Come in!" I called from my side of the door as she slowly opened the door and walked in closing the door behind her.
      "You going to the party tonight?" She asked as she walked across the room and sat on the edge of my bed.
      "Wouldn't miss it for the world." I said sarcastically rolling my eyes and going back to locking for something to wear.
      "Please, I don't want to be all alone" she begged and poured giving me puppy dog eyes.
      "I don't like that kind of stuff, you know that."
      "Please Roxy, I promise I won't ask the next time there's a party" she begged once more
      "That's what you said the last ten million times you asked me to go to a party." I said rolling my eyes even though i knew she couldn't see me.
      "I know, but I mean it this time"
      "Fine, but this time is the last party I'm going to"

      Later that day, during last period I went to blacksmith lab. (The only fun class I have) I found a seat in the back right corner of the class and sat down.
      "Ok class, today you will be making swords." The teacher said as the class cheered in excitement "ok, ok, settle down so I can show you how to do this." As the class finally began to settle down and be quiet the teacher pulled out a two and a half foot long sword from under his desk as an example to show us how the sword should look like when we've finished. The class watched in amazement as the teacher started to show us how to make the sword.
      After he finished showing us how to make the sword he instructed everyone to try it on our own. After I finished making my sword I wrapped a red ribbon around the handle and and started to look around at my classmates' swords. Some had spikes or small designs on the handles, and some had nothing at all. Others the blade just looked poorly forged and like they could break just by hitting the grass or even loose dirt.
      "Okay, you should all be done now." The teacher called from the front of the class catching everyone's attention. "Today we don't have enough time to present them to the class, so on your way out let me inspect them to see how you did. You are dismissed." He started walking to the door so all the swords could get examined
      As he examined my sword he looked at me with a straight face that made my heart stop then he grinned. "Great job Ms. Roxy. The craftsmanship is great and it looks very sturdy."
      "Thank you sir." I said as he handed me back my sword.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2018 ⏰

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