Do you love me?

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Do you love me?

   Perhaps you do. For the idea of love can me many things. You could love me as your fellow human, or your friend. Perhaps as your family or lover.

  I suppose you there's a possibility you dont love me. Love cannot be forced, and perhaps your feelings for me do not reach that level of complete adoration. Still I must say that I would be disappointed if you don't love me, but you would not be obligated to change your mind.

   Love, in every form, is complicated. Yet it holds a simplicity about it unlike any other emotion. Love can be so easily expressed, yet is hard to decifer. To know if someone loves you without the use of words is sometimes tricky and discovering in what way they love you is even more so.

   But, to spite all the nonsense, I can say that I love you. I love you in an unconditional sense that is stronger than the spoken word or written language, as love ought to be. For love is simple and complicated all at one time.

However if you learn it's secrets, there is a promise of happiness.

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