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I let out a sigh as the sound of music came through the walls. Then a beautiful voice followed, singing ‘Call Me Maybe. Even with such a beautiful voice, it still got annoying to hear at nine o’clock in the morning. If you’re going to sing, do it in the afternoon, like, really.

Once again, I sighed in frustration.

Hey I just met you, and this is crazy, but here’s my number, so call me maybe?’

The catchy but yet annoying tune sunk into my skin, making me shiver for no reason. I made my way to my closet, rummaging through to find my purple plaid long-sleeved shirt, loving the warm fabric as I put it on. It was only fall in New York City, and it was already chilly. 

The town was still new to me, I’ve barley been here a month. College just started, I was a full scholarship at New York University for Creative Writing classes. It had been my dream to become an author, and New York just happened to be my starting point.

I slid on black leggings and put on my black boots in front of my mirror, smiling at my appearance.

After finishing my breakfast, my neighbor went on with ‘Home’ by Phillip Phillips.

No you’re not alone, cause I’m gonna make this place your home.’

 Humming the tune, I put my apartment keys in my hand, jiggling them slightly. I attached them onto my lanyard from back home ‘Washington Huskies.’ Their a football team from Washington. I grabbed my North Face backpack and skateboard, making a quick stop next door.

My hand trembled as I knocked, thinking of what to say when they opened the door.

“Hello?” A confused man, about 20 said, probably wondering why I’m here.

“I’m your neighbor, next door, yeah um can you please keep your music down? Or just not sing at 9 in the morning?” I smiled my sweet smile, my hand running through my bags nervously.

“Oh, yeah sure, sorry, did I wake you?” He ran his hand through his curly brown hair, I smiled a small smile, we have something in common.

“Well, sort of, thanks I guess, I would’ve been late for class.” I let out a slight giggle, playing with the lanyard around my neck, making my key chains and keys jingle.

“Well, you’re welcome,” He laughed, showing his charming smile.

“I’m Maci,” I held out my right hand, shaking slightly. I was always nervous around new people.

“Max,” His hand was warm and soft, “Do you go to Julliard?”

“Oh, no, nowhere near talented enough, I go to NYU, for creative writing.”

“You should let me read something sometime,” Max gave me another charming smile.

“That be nice,” I let out a slight sigh, running my hand through my hair once more. “I got to get going, see you round?” I smiled from ear to ear, I probably looked stupid. “Want to meet at Starbucks around One o’clock?” Max asked hopefully, you could see it in his eyes.

“Perfect,” I waved, turning around, listening for the door closing.

I felt like Peter Parker from The Amazing Spiderman, skipping down the apartment hall, turning around in a full skip, then skipping all the way to the elevators.

Once outside the building doors, swiftly getting onto my skateboard, pushing off as hard as I can. Finally I made it to campus; I adjusted my beanie and put my skateboard in the straps on the front of my bag for it, and skipping in to class, smiling like a freak as Professor Jowett started his Language Arts class.

Man I could not wait till one. 

Those First Encounters -Max Schneider Love Story-Where stories live. Discover now