Bonfire meeting Part 0

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Jess and I have been together for 3 years, we met in high school and fell madly in-love, Jess went off to college, and we had decided to continue our relationship. Luckily, she didn't go far, we were only 30 minutes' drive from each other, and we see each other at least 3 times a week. When she had to study for an exam or do late night work within the company she temped for, we could go for weeks without seeing each other. This started to happened more and more as she got further into her career, but we manage to make it this far. 3 years down the line, and we are still together.

Jess is three years older than me, we first met at a local bonfire party one night, only the top of the top students attended, the popular ones, the good-looking ones, the rich up class ones.

Jess had only been invited into their circle because her brother was a jock, he played first team senior football since I can remember, he was the youngest team captain in the schools history, and everyone knew their house rules. Their mom only allowed Joe to be at social gatherings if his older sister accompanied him. Hence she went everywhere he went and was invited to all gatherings. She became popular on her own, with her bothers help, I suppose.

Everyone knew Jess, she had in fact became one of the 'in crowed'. She was not only Joe's sister anymore, she had made a name for herself not just because of her younger brother but because of her amazing beautiful athletic looks, her breath taking sparkly green eyes, that sometimes had a turquoise shine to them, and of course her witty intellect. Everyone knew she did not tolerate bullying or snobbishness of any kind. She was proud of who she was, and who she was going to be when she left school.

Me on the other hand, had not made a 'name' for myself, just yet. I was known as 'undatable' not because I did not fall into the stigma of 'popular' or because I was not someone to look at, I was quite 'hot' and popular in my circle of school friends.  I had a lot of people inviting me to parties, and social gatherings but I just choose not to go. This was my own choice; my friends knew this about me, and always moaned about me not wanting to do social evenings with them.

On this day 3 years ago, when my friends said, 

'Jolene, you know what tonight is right? we have to go, you have to go, it's going to be social suicide if we don't' 

Something inside of me spoke out loud and before I could even stop myself I said 

'Yes, okay, okay, I will go' 

They all looked at me with this shocked expression on their faces, when they realised what had just happened with what had just come out of my mouth. They smiled hugely, jumping up and down, excitingly; while wrapping their arms around my body, hugging me.

That night when I arrived at the bonfire, I could not find my friends anywhere, they had messaged and told me they were running late and that I should mingle. As i stood there with the sand between my toes looking over onto the ocean and the sun setting just thinking to myself, mingle? Me mingle? Ha. I text them back telling them they better get their butts over here soon or I am leaving. (new message) 'relax Jess, be there soon, mwah mwah'.

I had been waiting about an hour already before they arrived. During this time I had taken a walk towards the fire, when I literally bumped into Joe, he was running long to catch the football just thrown to him. He knocked me completely off my feet and landed half on top of me.

I fell flat on my back onto the sand. Hearing him say 

'omg, are you okay Jolene'? 

More shocked with the fact that he knew my name, I sat up catching my breath, while looking over to him, i see him with a dumb smirk on his face, he just kept apologising.  Then I hear another voice telling me to take their hand. Looking up, I see the blacked night sky, the glistering of the stars, and there she was, the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. The soft light of the slow burning bonfire in the background lighting her silhouette. She offered me her hand and pulled me up, and the rest is history.

'Hey, I am Jess, you okay? Big knock you got there, my brother can be a little clumsy at times' She said, as she let out a giggle. I just smiled at her and replied 

' Hey, I am Jolene and I know who you are, I am okay thanks' 

We just stared at each other and she never let go of my hand. This seemed like eternity, time had stood still until my friends grabbed me from behind in a hugging movement and our silent glaze was broken.

Were inseparable from that moment on, we just clicked. Yes, we have had our emotional moments, but other then that, everything seemed perfect. Until she went off to college, that day, was the hardest day of my life.

To Be Continued shortly... Feel Free to Comment, Vote and Follow... Thanks... 

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