Cinnamon buns

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Naruto pov

I smile as I see my lavender eyed love siting on the bench while i was walking towards her. I hid something behind my back as i procceded.

"Hey Hina-koi!"


"Yeah its me!"

"W-whats that behind your back?"

I bring out the bag with cinnamon buns in it. I pull my cheeky grin and rub my neck.

"I brought you this. I know you like it!"

'Damn! I should of known this all along. I'm so dense! She is so perfect and I could of made her happier, so now is my chance to let her know, and to show her that i truly love her. Oh my Hinata look what your doing to me hehe.'

I blush and chuckle nervously from my thoughts. Before I could scold myself more, Hinata saved me.

'she is amazing...heheh'

"Thanks Naruto!"

I lean in towards my hime and kiss her cheek, and then she blushed.

'oh boy i love it when she blushes. Its cu-'

'Shut the hell up kit your ruining the moment and making it wierd' up you dumb fox!

'Oh? Your the dumbass that did not see Hinata's feelings for you UNTIL after the fight with Pein! That was also thanks to me. Not to mention you would be dead right now if i was not sealed in you.'

'Sh-shut the hell up okay geez!'

Hinata looked at me worried so i quickly replied.

"N-naruto are you ok? Your flustered...."

"Oh hehe i am fine its just kurama making me feel bad about not um being nice to him back when i was younger cuz i used to scold him and all"

' barley knew i exsisted you liar -_-'

'shut up your acting worst then temme when i don't give him attention >:0 '

Shaking out of the daze AGAIN i did my famous fox grin and gave Hinata the bag. She handed me my frosted lavender one and she took her orange frosted one. That one was the "special" cinna-bun.

Hinata Pov

I smile taking a bite of my new favorite colored cinna-bun, then another as I gulp some of the yummy cinnamon bun down. My next bite tasted metallic.

'Is he pulling a prank again? That Naruto, no my silly Naruto, always playing pranks..'

I shake my head confused. I see Naruto take a quick glance at me smiling warmly.

'But he would not now he matured alot.... come to think of it, he has grown into a man, and soon to be hokage. Just a day ago i remember him striving to just make a clone and now..look at him! He can make thousands at will. He has grown so much.'

I smile and look down at the metal.

'Gold? Lavender....Jewl? Wait...oh Naruto your not, wait Naruto is going to, its already hard to belive he has been my boyfriend for a year now but now it feels so surreal! I dont deserve this...oh Naruto your so perfect.'

I immediately start to cry silently. I look up smiling looking for an explination only to see a flushed, worried, nervous, and confused blonde staring back at me.


"Hey H-hinata, I been wondering for a while.... we have been da-"


He smiles and I pull him into a huge hug and smile.

"Do you really like it?"

"Of c-course i l-love it sniff but I love you more"

"Not as much as i love you Hinata, my love."

He stated booping my nose. I pouted and blushed looking up, as my tears of joy spill out, i smile pulling the idiot into a kiss. After catching my breath and putting on our rings, I took another bite of the cinnamon bun. It not done yet.

ANNNND DONE! I hope you liked it! Its my gift to you fellow Naruhina fans and Naruto fans! This is fan made by me! I Hope you liked.....any wayz! Love you all! Make sure to vote, comment and suggest more one shots for me to write. Let me know if you want a longer one too!!

-Hatake~san outtt

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2018 ⏰

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