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"Retreat!! Retreat..!!!" laungan Komander John Evans membelah udara. Salajur itu kesunyian menselimuti kawasan itu.

"Commander , we've already detect the track. We cannot turning back. After all the hint and I believe that we close to the 'subject' " potong salah seorang pegawai .

  Komander John berpaling lalu merenung tepat dan tegas ke arah pegawainya. "Are you disobey me ? . I said RETREATTT!!!!" Ngauman terakhir Komander menandakan mereka perlu akur agar segera berundur dan keluar secepat mungkin dari kawasan itu.

      "Yes ,Sir " hanya itu yang dibalas oleh pegawai. Tetapi hati kecilnya menentang kuat dan mempersoalkan tindakan ketuanya itu. Tetapi arahan ketua wajib dipatuhi.

        Sejauh 600 batu jauh dari kawasan itu. Kumpulan askar elit itu berkampung. Mereka perlu keluar dari lokasi itu selewat-lewatnya esok. Ketika Komander John keseorangan menyelusuri anak sungai , tiba-tiba satu lembaga melayang lalu mendarat tangkas tepat dihadapan komander itu. Akibat kaget dan terkejut Komander John jatuh terduduk.

" You have to leave before the sunrise tomorrow. Their is no time ." Lembaga itu berkata lalu menghulur tangannya seraya menarik bangun Komander John Evans " Listen here " potong lembaga itu apabila komander mahu menyampuk " From here I will settled down what I had begin. Thanks to you ,lead me towards him .Now you can return to your right place. Others need you . They need their hero. " sehabis tutur lembaga itu berpusing mahu pergi tetapi

" At least let me see your face ,true hero . At least give me a reason to believe that I wasn't dreaming all this time. " pantas Komander john meminta

"If I show you who I am really are , things will be different.? Anything will be change?" soal lembaga itu kepada John.

"It will change how I feel" kata John.

Selajur itu , lembaga itu menarik topeng yang dipakai nya . Apabila terdedah sahaja wajah itu Komander John tergamam . Hanya matanya sahaja yg bergerak-gerak. Pukulan jantung sangat kencang sehingga kuat dirasakan darah yang mengalir seluruh badannya. Dia terpaku.

"You.. " kata-kata John putus disitu sahaja .

"Even whole world change ,their is something will remain not change.Heart. If you born with heart ,there is nothing in this world could change it but if you born heartless ,you already know where your place. Sometime people just believe what their eyes see but they never want to understand what their heart said. You are lucky Commander , because you're born with heart and greatness" panjang lebar lembaga itu berhujah lalu menghilang dalam kegelapan malam .

  "Commander!! are you alright. Team have been searching you everywhere .What are you doing here? " kemunculan anak buah Komander John secara tiba-tiba meragut khayalannya.

"I'm fine. Return to camp . And you soldier , have a good rest ,we have long way home tomorrow ." Komander John tersenyum nipis

dan sempat bergurau dengan anak buahnya. Tetapi hambar.

" Go .., go Catelina. Follow your destiny , defeat whatever obstacles in front of you. Go and discover your greatness. God bless you " bisik hati John setulusnya.

Sekarang apa yang paling utama , kembali ke markas . Semua yang berlaku sudah tertulis. Kini Komander John Evans percaya Tuhan itu wujud.

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