The Four Princesses

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It was a sunny day.

Sejong Daewang was particularly happy on this day, and so he decided to keep a tab on his princesses.

Technically, this was a bad decision, as the princesses had a very fiery temper. The usual situation, of course, was Sejong being thrown out of the princesses' study. Nonetheless, a jolly Sejong walked towards the chamber.

He had four merry daughters, all fair and proud, and he was proud of their talent and strengths. He went to check on his eldest.

Strange clattering noises rang from her room. Sejong frowned. It sounded like bricks, and Sejong did not like letting them near bricks. Too dusty, and too rough. He pushed open the door.

"Lee Hyebin! What on earth are you doing?" Sejong asked.

"This is a new game I've invented." The eldest princess smiled. "I call it... Lego."

"Hmm." Sejong knew she had a knack for creating fun games. Heck, she invented Minifigures. But Sejong was still doubtful. "Show me."

With amazing skill, the princess assembled the tiles. Within moments, a life-like replica of the palace courtroom was constructed. "This is amazing." Sejong whispered. "Will you have it coloured?"

"Maybe." The princess shrugged. "But watch this." She flew her hands around the structure, disassembling and reassembling here and there. Revealed to Sejong was another model of the royal garden.

"Perhaps I shall let the royal carpenters detail your design." Sejong nodded. "You are very talented."

"Not the first day I've been praised." The princess packed all the tiles into a box. "I'll give this to the carpenters later this evening."

"Very well, Hyebin ah." Sejong nodded. "I'll go to check on your sisters."

"I'm sure they're up to no good."

"Perhaps." A smile tugged at the corners of Sejong's mouth. "At least they have the decency to stay quiet."

"Oh, I wouldn't bet on that." Hyebin muttered. "Just you wait until midnight."

"I'm going."

Sejong stepped out of the room. He would have guards tripled at midnight.

Next up was the second princess' room, and Sejong paused for a moment there. Dabin was certainly the most ferocious of the four princesses. She was headstrong and precocious: not a good sign. But Sejong always favoured her more. Perhaps it was her similarity towards her father that appealed to him.

"Come in." Dabin said, and the emperor pushed open the door.

The princess was seated on the floor, casually flipping a book. "Do have a seat, Father."

"What are you reading?" Sejong tried to make light conversation.

"The title is labeled 'Joseon'." Dabin snapped the book shut. "Personally I find it enticing, because of the imaginative rubbish. The author seems to think that we are draped in loincloths and ride peacocks."

"Hmm." Sejong tried to keep his face straight.

"Also, they praise of you as a handsome and fair ruler, which is inappropriate at all descriptions." Dabin grinned.

"Come now, daughter, your beautiful looks originate from me." Sejong frowned. "It is unwise to tease someone of their looks, especially when they resemble yourself."

"I doubt it." Dabin snickered. "Do you want to take a look at my book? It's fantastic."

"No, I have to check on your sisters." Sejong shook his head. "Sometimes I wish you weren't this smart. It spooks everyone. It is hard to find a husband for you."

"No need." Dabin smiled. "Should it really be a husband? A wife can also suffice."

Sejong choked while Dabin sniggered.

Third on the list was Joo Won. Again, by his standards, she gave him headaches. She was too enthusiastic, always screaming and running around the palace.

She was a tornado, and Sejong thought her to be the most difficult to handle. She was the reason why the flamingoes in the garden lost all their feathers, why the monkeys didn't have hair on their tails, and why the turtles were reduced to cowering in their shells.

"Dad!" A voice squealed from inside the room, and Sejong sighed. It's a pity soundproofing wasn't invented yet.

"Daughter." He walked inside. "Can you be more formal?"

"No, Dad. And call me Jooe." She giggled. "Do you want some juice? I made it myself."

Sejong peered at the orange gunk in the bronze cup. It looked like someone just puked in there.

Jooe looked at him. "Drink it, Dad. It's made with oranges and pears."

Sejong prepared himself and gulped down the stuff that was definitely not oranges into his gullet. He would regret it later, he thought.

"Did you like it?" Jooe asked with big eyes.

"Yes. I think." Sejong lied.

"Wahoo!" Jooe yelled. "Dad, prepare the chefs. I even prepared a brand name. I call it Tropicana."

Tropicana, Sejong thought. He wanted to weep. "Daughter, I ask you to rethink this..."

But Jooe was already bouncing off. Sejong put his hands on his head. Yep, definitely the most difficult daughter of all.

He walked over to his last daughter. Ahin was the source of his financial problems. She insisted of eating at odd hours, and Sejong had to give the royal cooks a pay rise simply to entertain Ahin's hunger.

When he reached the door, chewing and clattering was heard from inside. Eating again, he thought grimly.

"Ahin dear, can I come in?"

"Of course, Father." The clattering ceased, and Ahin opened the door. "Are you hungry? I had the cooks prepare extra food, in case I got peckish."

"Then we can talk over food." Sejong was glad that there was extra. He knew his daughter had an appetite twice of his own, and his cooks were tired.

"Father, can I have my room moved?" Ahin asked.


"The food is half cold. I want to live near the kitchen in order to reduce the time." Ahin proposed.

Sejong tried the soup and got a burnt tongue.

"Ahin dear, that would be too difficult. Perhaps I can arrange for your food to be reheated..."

"Already tried that."

"Or perhaps your food can be put in heat proof material..."

"It is now."

"Is your food really cold? I mean, it's still edible..."

"You wouldn't understand."

"Very well." Sejong wrung his hands in frustration. "I'll contact the royal builders tomorrow."

"Thank you, Father. You should know that stew at 60'C and 59'C has a big difference."

Sejong heaved a breath. He knew that arguing was pointless. "Fine."

When he returned to the palace, he ran a hand over his head. His daughters were too difficult to handle. What could he do?


This is a rather difficult story to write.

It's historical, for goodness' sake. I watched dramas depicting historical au, but to write it - that's a different matter.

Easter eggs are riddled throughout the story, and I made a lot - a lot - of references to the modern world. Also, I did my homework, so you'll find historical events happening here and there.

Why I chose Hyebin, Dabin, Jooe and Ahin - because their surname is Lee. The Joseon Dynasty is ruled by the Jeonla-Do Jeonju Lee Family (전라도 전주 이 씨) so I found it appropriate to use members with the surname Lee.

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