I'm Late!

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Bzzt. Bzzt. Bzzt.

Lucy groaned and reached her hand over to answer her phone; silencing her ringtone.

"Hello?" Lucy said, drowsily.

"LUCY?!" WHERE ARE YOU?!" yelled the voice from her receiver.

"Ow!" yelped Lucy, now wide awake, "What are you talking about, Erza?"

"I'm talking about school starting in fifteen minutes and YOU NOT BEING HERE!"


Lucy placed her hand over the speaker and turned around to read her silent alarm clock. To her horror, the alarm clock read 8:20.

"Gotta go, Erza!" said Lucy.

Snapping her phone shut, she jumped out of her bed and rushed over to her closet. Luckily, she had left the door open the night before, so it took no time at all to grab her school uniform off its hanger. Lucy quickly exchanged her pj's in favor of her uniform; white button up shirt, yellow sweater, grey skirt, a striped dark blue tie, and knee high socks. After getting dressed, she combed out her blonde hair into a side ponytail tied with a pink ribbon.

Before exiting her room, Lucy glanced over her shoulder to read her alarm clock again; 8:24.

"Only eleven minutes left!" said Lucy to herself, "Why didn't my alarm go off?"

Lucy raced to her bathroom. Throwing the door open with her foot, she grabbed her toothbrush and quickly applied the paste. While she brushed, she set to the task of applying a bit of makeup to her face with her free hand. Spitting out the paste into the sink, she glanced at her reflection in the mirror. She cringed when she saw her bedevil appearance. Even with the combing, her hair was frizzy and stuck up at awkward angles. Her makeup wasn't any better. Her mascara was smudged, foundation was uneven, and her bottom lip was more glossed then her top . Lucy sighed. At least her breath was minty.

Lucy raised her hands to re-tie her bow that had come undone and was now threatening to fall out of her hair. Next, she rubbed at her foundation until it somewhat matched her skin tone, then wiped the excess mascara off her eyes. Once she was satisfied at the result, she smiled and nodded at her reflection.

"Better." she said

Exiting the bathroom, she raced down the steps of her staircase; footsteps echoing loudly throughout the house.

Lucy paused at the bottom of the stairs in order to put on her shoes. Not bothering to tie the laces, she slung her school bag over she shoulder and tucked the loose lace ends into her shoes. She could always properly tie them later. Lucy then reached for the doorknob and flung it open. She ran out the open doorway with her bag slapping against her thigh as she ran.

As she ran down the street, she heard the door shut behind her and lock. Lucy smiled inwardly. Most of the time it was a bother, but sometimes, she loved her dad's new security system.

"I'm off!" called Lucy behind her, mostly out of habit.

Her mother had died when she was small and left her alone with her father. Growing up, her childhood was lonely because her father was never present on account of his work. As a result, Lucy didn't have many friends as a child. But, that all changed when she moved to the Magnolia last summer. She made many close friends, like Erza and Levy, and she no longer felt lonely. Instead, her days were filled with smiles and laughter.

Lucy raced down the sidewalk towards her school, Víla High. She checked the time as she ran; six minutes.

"Luce?" called a familiar voice behind her.

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