I dream...

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Albatross,  albatross, albatross I love the albatross.  He was so warm,  so big,  so like... Can bey!

Sanem jerked up in her seat.  What was wrong with her?  Can bey was not the albatross. She had to remember that. She needed the albatross to be her lifeline. Her conflicted feelings for Can were slowly driving her nuts... He had a girlfriend. A very beautiful girlfriend who lived with him in his house. The worst part,  she was also a good human being besides being glamorous, poised,  long legged, everything she was not physically!!

Sanem looked forlornly at the room currently occupied by Can and Polen..." What were they talking about? " " what's that noise!!"
" Ah! Sanem Ah! Stop making a fool of your self. Get a grip girl...

But a girl could dream, she could dream about the magnificent albatross with his giant wings flying high in the sky only to land beside his mate for life. A girl could dream about her knight in shining armour or maybe just a tux who corners her in a secluded box and kisses her senseless while slowly and deliciously caressing her body.. A girl could dream about those big,  slightly callused hands and all the places they touched...

" Sanem! " Deren's loud voice broke through the lusty veil of Sanem's mind.
" Yes,  I am in here" Sanem called out..
"Can wants the details of Remide's Organic market, where are they" she asked impatiently.

" I have them ready.  Here.. " Sanem handed her the file.

" Sanem.. "
That voice.  Just her name from his lips sounded like a caress. Sanem shivered and slowly looked past Deren into eyes the color of the finest wine..

"Could you bring the documents yourself and explain it please.  Knowing as you were the last to speak to Levent you have the best idea on what he likes and dislikes? " He finished the last bit as if he was enquiring about something entirely different..

Who was Levent?  Sanem kept looking at Can with a befuddled expression on her face.  He looked so good in blue...

" Sanem!  Iyi misin" Can asked
" Evet" Sanem nodded and gathered all the documents to follow Can to his office.

"Merhaba Sanem" polen called out in her sing song voice.

" I hate her,  I hate her,  I hate her.. "
"Merhaba Polen" Sanem managed out loud.

"Can you tell us what alteration Levent wanted in our idea.  He wants the documents to be sent to him asap.  So...." Can waited for Sanem to explain.

" Sanem.. "  Can called out again when Sanem failed to answer him. 
" You sure you are ok?  Do you want tea? "

" I am ok.  And I have no idea what Levent wanted to change here as we parted ways soon after you left yesterday... " Sanem looked up at Can and stopped speaking.

The look in his eyes can only be described as panty melting.  My God the man was lethal.  He pinned Sanem with his stare and slowly, very slowly, smiled at her...

The world, as was around them, stopped to exist. Sanem almost felt breathless. What was happening to her. Had she gone mad and done the impossible? Had she fallen in love with Can bey...

But she loved the Albatross... Albatross.. Can.. Albatross...

"So you were not with Levent last night??" Can asked softly.

" No! " Sanem barely managed.  She was almost hyperventilating now. She needed to get out of the room.

" Why?" Can asked all the while looking at Sanem with a strange urgency.

Sanem looked at him mutely, unable to answer, beseeching him to not torment her.  She could not have utterred a single word at that moment anyway, even if her life depended on it.

" Let the poor girl be! Her personal life should not be any of your business Can.." Polen's voice acted like a bucket of cold water.

Sanem scrambled from her chair and made some excuse to leave.

" I will talk to you later... " Can called out. 

Sanem took one last look at him.  He still wore that smile along with a predatory gleam so intense that it scared the hell out of her...

God help her she was in so much trouble....

The End...

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