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She didn't love him, she didn't....
Why else would she push him away at every turn.  There were secrects she kept from him.  He tried to make her open up to him but she was so stubborn!!

But that what's made her so unique..a child woman,  a butterfly not totally out of its chrysalis, a barely burgeoning bud that promised to be a stunning bloom...

Can entered his house and walked slowly towards the courtyard. He needed to be in the open today.  He was wound too tight to be confined within four walls. But he had to change first. The slight drizzle had drenched his shirt and his pants were mud splattered..

He stripped and stood under the punishing jets trying to clear his befuddled brain.  Sanem didn't feel the way he felt for her.  That is the only excuse he could come up with..
Yet her eyes devoured him at every opportunity. They followed him everywhere and he smelt her in everything around him.  His shirt,  his pillow.  Her scent was embedded in his pores.. Her soft hands that held his when he hurt himself, how those nimble fingers traced his face as if memorising every curve every contour... Can cursed harshly to stop his line of thoughts. He got hard just reminiscing about her innocent touches. If she ever touched him in passion... Can shook his head and tried to control the response of his wayward body. She was not to be his. Ever..

With his thoughts under control he donned a pair of shorts and slipped out of his room.

While walking towards his wine cabinet he absently glanced towards the pool.  There amidst the lush green,  like a water nymph, sat Sanem.  She was faced away from him and hence did not spot him immediately.

He slowly walked out of the room towards her and stood silently a few paces away from where she sat..

Why was she here?  Some more evasions,  half truths...  Can felt a stirring of anger in his gut.  In the kind of mood he was in he wouldn't be able to digest her meaningless platitudes.

She appeared restless. A tell, that clearly communicated her agitation. She suddenly stopped her restless stirrings and slowly looked back. Her eyes homed in on him and she swallowed visibly.

He stood there, a proud man..but lonely so lonely. He perused every inch of her,  a vision in white. Bare creamy shoulders,  the sweetheart neckline that gently molded her bosom like a lover's touch, the flush of her skin..." why are you here Sanem? "

She had stood motionless under his perusal.  Almost like a being ensnared.  She jerked to the present as his voice pierced the cobwebs in her head.  The time for running was over.  She could not run no matter how much she tried.  She was the helpless moth to his blazing flame. She would burn and perish but she could not for her life stay away from this wild dangerous lion of a man who had captured the tiny heart of a home bird..

"I wanted to talk to you.. " she managed from lips perched with thirst of a different kind.

" How long have you been waiting?"
" Just about 4 hours... " why was he being so aloof. Was she too late? No.. her Albatross was a proud man and she had hurt him too many times in the past with her foolishness and naivety.  He loved her she was sure for his eyes gave him away.  But he was a proud man and he would not beg. It was her turn to surrender...

" Do you want to hear what I want to say... "
" You might not believe this but I have dreamt of a similar scenario and judging by that I am not too keen.. " He was turning back.  Maybe she was too late after all..

"lutfen Can... " Sanem beseeched him softly..
He went still.  He looked torn as if he was fighting some mythical inner battle and judging by his slumped shoulder he had just lost.. He walked back slowly towards her and sank beside her in the grass. He sat at an angle so as not to touch her. Her heart splintered at his cautious behaviour. How had she hurt this mighty beast and caused him so much pain. Sanem doesn't hold back and embraced Can. He held back initially but then slowly his body softened around her and he returned her embrace. He nuzzled her neck and took a deep breath,  inhaling her scent. He suddered against her and grazed his lips on her forehead lovingly...

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