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"Her eyes are... red..." Rosalind said, shocked. "She's a...."
"Yes, Rose." Thomas said, sadly. "She's an alpha." Rosalind panicked, knowing what would happen to her if others found out.
The baby screamed.
"Sh sh sh shhhhhh." Rosalind hushed her baby girl in her arms. "It'll be okay." She whispered in a calm voice, and the baby stopped her crying and looked into her loving mothers eyes. Rosalind smiled.
There was a Big Bang on the door, and the baby started to cry once again. Her smile dropped and her eyes darted to the door. "Thomas..." she panicked. "What do we do?" Thomas smiled a wicked smile. "We do what we have to do."
"And that is?"
"Kill who we have to kill." He said in a shaky voice. "To save our baby girl."
"We'll go in hiding." Rosalind said. "Avoid being seen..."
so that was their plan. And they left secretly out the back to avoid whoever was banging on the door... never to be seen again for years and years. That is.. until their baby girl was 16.

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