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What if Mallory tried a different way to stop the Apocalypse?

Instead of killing Michael, she gives him one more chance as she goes back to when he was born and takes him to the one person she trusts hoping that they can change his fate and give him one last chance


Cody Fern as Michael Langdon

Sarah Paulson as Cordelia Goode

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Sarah Paulson as Cordelia Goode

Sarah Paulson as Cordelia Goode

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Jessica Lange as Fiona Goode

Taissa Fargima as Zoe Benson

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Taissa Fargima as Zoe Benson

Jamie Brewer, Emma Roberts, Gabourey Sidibe as Madison Montgomery, Nan, and Queenie

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Jamie Brewer, Emma Roberts, Gabourey Sidibe as Madison Montgomery, Nan, and Queenie

Jamie Brewer, Emma Roberts, Gabourey Sidibe as Madison Montgomery, Nan, and Queenie

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Angela Bassett as Marie Laveau

Angela Bassett as Marie Laveau

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//NOTE: SO yeah I loved Apocaplyse, the only thing I didn't like really was Michael's ending, he was a great character with so much potential. He deserved a chance to be good no matter what anyone says, lowkey I'm really baffled when any says there was no way he could be good because the proof is there

Ugh anyway, I decided to write this because I just kept thinking about this idea and I really wanted to read it somewhere but no one was gonna write it so why not I write it myself sO HERE I AM

Enjoy the story!//

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