The mad kings daughter

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Jon and his trusted right hand entered the intimidating throne room. Jon was nervous of what the daughter of the mad king would be like. He was expecting at best a spoilt entitled child at best and at worst, a crazy power mad monster. Taking a deep breath he followed his stone like Unsullied guard into the throne room. Large, dark and full of moving shadows this room was made to intimidate. The cold and harsh chamber was full of the wild Dothraki and the refined unsullied. Sittung regally on the throne and talking in a strange tongue was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her hair was white like milk and yet it shone like a silver coin, her eyes were pools of luxurious blue water, set deep into a heart shaped face with full rose bitten lips and soft as snow, porcelain white skin. She was so petite and delicate but at the same time she radiated power. She had this air about her. She was confident but not overly or unjustifiably so, she believed in herself. One of the unsullied leading Jon and his right hand stopped the rest of the company in its tracks and walked  briskly through the crowd, dropping  on his knees in front of the throne to gain the queens attention. At once she stopped and smiled in a friendly tone she addressed him 'Greyworm you have brought our guests, thank you.' And then she turned to the rest of the hall, Jon couldn't ignore the admiration and love in everyone of her subjects eyes as they looked at their queen. 'Unfortunately our meeting has to be cut short today. You each have my deepest apologies and I assure you the problems we have discussed today will be addressed with the highest urgency. If you would please vacate the hall now we shall continue this discussion at a later time.' Her voice was quiet yet every word was soaked up by every man woman and child in the hall. They all bowed their heads and will a respectful Khallessi they left. Once they had gone five unsullied, a young woman and Tyrion remained. Danyaris stood and addressed Jon with respect and a smile as she descended some of the steps, a sign of respect he hadn't been expecting 'Welcome King of the North and thank you for travelling all this way. I appreciate the effort you have made to be here today.'
Getting over his shock the King of the North smiled 'Thank you for having me Queen of Maureen, mother of dragons. I have to admit the politeness of your note shocked me. I was expecting a demand to bend the knee.' As he spoke he could sense the remaining unsullied e begin to madden at his less then polite jab at the queen however she just smiled and raised her hand. All the unsullied froze and with a word he couldn't understand the unsullied bar the one who the queen had called Greyworm left.  The kings hand was quick to speak, worried the queen would anger at his kings words. 'No disrespect was meant your grace. I think king Jon was just insinuating he expected you to be more of your father but obviously your not..' his rambling was cut off with a glare from Jon. Neither of them was expecting what happened next. The queen gave a hearty laugh 'it is quite alright my lord I take no offence at your kings words.' She then turned to Jon 'why on earth would I expect you to the bend the knee to someone you have no idea about? To a foreign Queen who's goals and beliefs you have no clue of? To someone you only know by her mad ruthless  monster of a father? Only a half wit fool would do so and I don't need to make alliances with half wit fools.'' It's safe to say Jons mouth was practically at the floor at this point. While missindi was grinning and Tyrion looked deeply amused. 'I would like to make something clear. I never knew my father and if he was anything like my brother Vyrus then I'm glad. From what I have heard he was a vile monster and I'm not here to claim the iron throne because of my blood, because of my father nor because I believe I have some right to it because of a mad king who burned his own people for sport. Im not as stupid as my brother to believe the people want me here or they have been waiting for their rightful rulers or any of that rubbish. I'm here to claim the iron throne because I want to change things for the better. The seven kingdoms may not have slavery but it is as bad if not worse off than Maureen was before I changed things. The poor population here may not be slaves but they might as well be for the rights and treatment they receive. I'm here because I know I can change things for the better and I learned a long time ago if you can do something to make a change then you should.' Dany had moved a few steps closer  to Jon snow who's respect for this queen had grown admirably, the same could be said for his hand who was unashamedly gawking at her. Before Jon could gain enough wit to speak dany began again ' however despite the fact I am not my Father or my brothers I would like to give your family my deepest apologies on behalf of House targarian. What my family did to yours was barbaric and for that I am truly sorry.' Danys voice had true emotion and Jon didn't even hesitate before responding 'thank you your grace though u find your apology Unesscery. As you said, you are not your father. Tho I do wonder why you asked for this meeting if not to compel me to bend the knee. Also if I may be so bold you mentioned your brother vryis twice now. Is he with you?' He couldn't keep the curiosity out of his voice, he knew so little about this queen and if he was to ask her for help and trust her he would need to know more. He almost regretted asking about her brother tho as her eyes saddened and her smile withered ' No, fortunately he is no longer part of this world. Don't misunderstand me, I loved my brother dearly but he was a monster. He was my brother and the only family I had. I loved him even when he sold me like a prize cow. However, I stopped loving him the moment he put a knife to my pregnant belly and threatened to cut out my unborn child.' Gasps were heard from all members of the hall. Not one of them had ever heard the Queen talk about the brother she knew and now they knew why and it apalled them. Greyworm had pure fury in his eyes and his shoulders were tense and locked in an attempt to hide his fury. Missandi's eyes were large in shock, her trembling hand covering her mouth and Tyrion looked sober for once in his life. As for Jon his face was ash white, he couldn't believe the queen had told him this, he couldn't believe it had happened to her. Her own brother. He would never act in such a way to his worst enemy. Jon suddenly realised danyaris was not like any Targarian he had heard of and she wasn't the spoiled arrogant brat he had been expecting. 'Your grace I am...deeply sorry... I didn't mean to..'  the queen politely put a stop to the flustered rambling. 'No apology is needed King of the North. It happened a long time ago.' She took a deep breath and her smile returned, 'as for why I asked you here I wanted to meet you to see if an alliance could be a possibility. Correct me if I'm wrong but Is that not the reason you came? To see if we could find some common ground and help both our people in the progress?' Danyaris spoke with such passion and such feeling. She had moved closer as she was talking and Greyworm had moved with her, his hand on his sword, not in anger or hatred at Jon but at a love and worry for his queen. 'Yes that is why I came. I would like us to get to know each other better. To see if we could work together to achieve both our goals.'   Jon was surprised by how much he meant those words. He was at first reluctant at the idea of making an alliance with the Mother of Dragons but now he wanted it desperately. He had barely met her for ten minutes and already he saw a pure heart, a kind soul and tough strong exterior built up by hard experiences. He was dying to know more. To know the real Danyaris. Who knew maybe they could be allies. Maybe she would listen and they could help each other. Jon was interrupted out of his thoughts by the queens strong voice 'excellent. So King Jon would you care to join me for a walk so we can discuss matters further? It might be nicer to have such a conversation in a more inviting atmosphere.' She gave the throne room a look of distaste. 'Besides I have to check on my children, I hope you don't mind?' Her voice held a general question and Jon knew then if he asked politely she would see her 'children' at another time to make him more comfortable. He would do no such thing tho. She had shown him a great trust today and respect plus he was beginning to respect and admire her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2018 ⏰

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