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I was I  a car wreck

Yup.... physically I am fine. My car though.... not so much. So now imma finna put in hours like crazy at work in order to be able to afford the damage.


Meaning I won't have time to write..... at all so expect an update in a month or so since it will take me putting at least 100+ hours biweekly to be able to afford fixing  the damage on my vehicle.

I will be MIA. Pray for me because I will be sleeping in the parking lot at my job (more like naps between my overtime and shift in order to stay sane)

Ah yes sleeping in my dad's car at work because gas is expensive and I will be putting in at least 18 hours tomorrow and hopefully another 18 the day afterward and taking 4 hour power naps in the car to get the strength to keep on going.

🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃 please kill me🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃

[Update!!! I'm only owe $500 and I'm out of debt thank God so I'm doing much better, thanks for the support!!]

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