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'My beautiful, shining, sapphire star! How you dance in the sky on wings of clouds and light.' He shouted into the bright sky, his cloak forgotten. The dragon chuckled.

'And how do you grace me with your presence today, my singer?' The young boy beamed at the dragon's singsong praise.

'My queen, my everlasting light, I must tell you of a prophecy. A girl of scales and blood joined me in my dreams!' He called into the sky as the warmth of his queen beat down on his bare back.

'And how does that relate to me young one?' The dragon cooed. He grinned and danced on the lush ground.

'She carried your blood! Your heir to the sky, the ground, the sea, the forests and mountains. All of the 5 created, she will rule!' The dragon squinted at the tiny creature. She laughed, her breath just a shimmer in the sky.

'That sounds preposterous, my singer. How on your earth would she get my blood?' The boy raised his hands to the sky at her words.

'I will gift it, as you have gifted to me my queen! My one and only, beautiful majesty!'

A Rivers Gift [Monster Hunter World]Where stories live. Discover now