Jack Gilinsky Imagine

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*ROUND TWO SINCE IT WAS ALL DELETED (Keep in mind this imagine was 2000+ words)*

(A/N) Hey guys! I felt like writing another J.G. imagine since it seems like that's what you guys liked the most out of all my stories, which I do not mind at all :). So, I just wanted to say that this imagine is completely unrelated to my first Jack Gilinsky imagine. Ok, I'm really excited to write so I'm going to start. Hope you enjoy, thanks! <3 <3


I looked over at my phone for what seemed like the 100th time today.

From: Jack my baby<3 Al, annsswerrrr me please. I hate this.

From: Jack my baby<3 I can't stand not talking to you. I made a mistake.

"But I don't want to talk to you, Jack," I said to myself. Ugh.

I guess you could say Jack and I haven't been getting along, at all really, these past few weeks. He knew how to tick me off, or get on my nerves, and Jack definitely took advantage of it. As of right now, we were on a break. I think when you spend half of your day with someone and do practically everything with them, you begin to get sick of them, or they get sick of you. And the smallest things they do, like cough or sneeze, irritates the shit out of you. That's what I believed, anyways. So, Jack and I decided we needed a little space and time away from each other. But he didn't seem to understand that taking a 'break' from one another meant no obnoxious texting or calling. I was stubborn, but he figured that out a long time ago. Before our break, all we did was start arguing and stop, then start and stop again. I knew that arguing and disagreeing was completely normal in a relationship, but it got to be too much. It was a cycle, like an average day in my life. Wake up, eat, go to school, get home and eat again, get through the shit load of homework I was given that day, text or hang out with Jack, shower, and sleep, then wake up and continue the same cycle. It was tiring. Being in a relationship was tiring, to say the least. Constant fighting wasn't the only reason I was extremely pissed off at Jack. The bigger reason? He told me he had hooked up with one of my ex- friends, Gabby. I expected it from Gabby, I mean that's mostly why we weren't on speaking terms. But hearing those words come out of Jack's mouth took me completely by surprise. Don't get me wrong, dating someone and being in love can be one of the greatest feelings ever, but a relationship doesn't consist of completely good things, although those good things make up most of it. For example, those cute Tumblr pictures of couples cuddling, kissing, or holding hands didn't honestly represent a real couple. I don't ever recall seeing a Tumblr picture of a couple fighting or the girlfriend crying because her boyfriend had just cheated on her. Ugh, that word, cheated. That was exactly what Jack did to me. I always tried to brush it off my shoulder, and as cliche as this may sound, it's easier said than done. I truly loved Jack, and I didn't regret anything. But sometimes I wondered if I was in love with the things he did for me or the way he made me feel, and not completely in love with Jack. Don't kid yourself, Alex, you're in love with both. I'd like to think that Jack loved me the same amount back, I mean, I hope I didn't just waste a year and a half being in a committed relationship with him for absolutely nothing. Whatever.

I was casually laying in bed, wearing very short Soffee shorts with a black and white tie dyed soccer shirt while watching tv and eating junk food. I didn't even care what it would do to my body. I guess I didn't really care about anything anymore, I felt numb. It was hard not having the person that made the happiest, yet the saddest and most upset at times, next to me. I couldn't get over Jack, and I was angry at myself for being unable to forget him. As often as you've probably heard this, I felt empty. I never felt like trying for the smallest things. Like whether I would dress up or look like a bum for school, or if I would wear makeup or go without it. I normally chose to look like a makeup-less bum. The thought of Jack made my stomach turn, yet butterflies somehow made their appearance. I honestly didn't know what to think of him as of now. He made me so happy yet angry. I hated him, but I loved him at the same time. He would always plan surprises for me, and I had something to look forward to, but now, there was nothing. I didn't have a fair to go with him to, or a casual movie night at his house, or anything at all. The only thing at this moment that made me feel slightly better about this situation was that Jack and I were most likely not over, we just needed time away. But I hated knowing he was alone at night, without me begging him to cuddle with me. I know how much he loved it when I did that, even though it kept him from sleeping. I got too caught up in my thoughts when my phone began to ring. I looked at the screen, then the caller, and automatically found myself smiling.

Jack Gilinsky ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now