Carrie Veer/Valance

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Welp here comes this son of a gun XD

Name: Carrie "Maxine" Veer/Valance

Age: 10 (PreBeta) 18 (Future Discord/Death Age)

Gender: Female

Birthday: October 5th

Religion: Atheist

Sexuality: Bisexual (PreBeta) Asexual (Future Discord which means she doesn't love anymore intimately)

Species: Angelic Ram/ Demonic Cat (she's a hybrid) (PreBeta) Undead Angel (Future DIscord)

Personality: (PreBeta) Bubbly, energetic, and mostly seems like she's high off of sugar 24/7 and super friendly! (Future Discord) Hostile, and always tired, and cold, total bitch to everyone especially to her sister Julia after what Julia did

Height: 4'11 (PreBeta) 6'0 (Future Discord/ "Death Age")

Kinks: (FUTURE DISCORD OFC YOU SICK BASTARDS) uhhhhhhh....she's kinda dead inside and doesn't believe in love anymore so uh Idk about that, I guess when people say she's not a monster????????????? idk She is dead

Body Type: (PreBeta) Not too chubby but was kinda thick, (Future Discord) even as a ghost SHE IS THICC AF XD

Nationality: Italian, American, Albanian, French (is Xeno French? idk XD)

 Whereabouts?: Dead (I'm sorry XD)

Skin Color: (PreBeta) a dark tan with white freckles covering her body, (Future Discord) uhhh GHOSTLY pale

Eye Color (PreBeta): Both are a mix of blue and purple

Eye Color (Future Discord): A glowing white that is somewhat dull

Hair Color: light brown

Jobs: (Future Discord) Fucking Kill The Witch...

Accent: British Accent

Quotes: (PreBeta) "Boop!" (Future Discord) "heh, Boop...remember that, Hank?

Likes: (PreBeta) Her friends, family, especially her Big Sister! (Future Discord) She would like it if the Witch would just die already

Dislikes: The Witch

Dad: Cherry Valance (I'm so sorry for hurting you)

Mom (cuz let's face it, Xeno is like an overprotective mom XD): Xeno Veer (...WHY WON'T YOU ACKNOWLEDGE ME ANYMORE!?!)

Sister: Ju - Bitch

Grandmother: Adaline (She made the warmest sweaters)

Grandmother: Lucy (....You were better than grandpa, love ya)

Grandpa: Daniel (He was awesome, he always made me feel better with his stories from the matter how much dirty jokes he'd throw in there)

Grandpa: Ferris (....why did you exist again?)

Love Status: (PreBeta) Hank (Hankie! owo) (Future Discord) ....Who's that?

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