learn your place, little one

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air consuming the burning scent of the grounded coffee beans, you swiped the table clean of its customer's messy contents. bending over the table to reach the far corner of the wooden ikea product, the bell above the front door rung for the nth time that afternoon, the presence it carried somewhat entrancing.

"good afternoon, little one." a deep, raspy voice spoke from behind you, giving your thicc ass, that stood proud and round in the customer's face, an erotic stare. the older man snaked his cold, veiny hands around your tiny waist, pulling your body closer so it rubbed against his lower region.

you gasped, feeling not only disgusted and violated by the man's actions, but scared of what others surrounding would think. "w-what are you doing, sir?" you whispered, peeling his bruising grip from your overly sensitive hips. leaning in, you were engulfed by the customer's unnecessarily expensive cologne, the smell almost sickening to consume.

"i want you, baby." he whispered seductively into your pierced ears, his erotic tone being anything but a turn on. you grimaced, feeling extremely uncomfortable considering the suggestive position you were forced into; the man's hand gripping your ass crushingly as his filthy mouth breathed heavily down your neck as if to take a bite.

"i want you to tremble beneath me, the pleasure unbearable as i slam into you at an animalistic pace." he grunted, rubbing his obvious growing tent against your thigh as you just allowed it to happened vulnerably. whilst this was happening in plain sight, customers, though disgusted, turned a blind eye.

"i want you to scream my name as you reach your high, riding me with a lewd expression plastered on that pretty little face of yours." the man growled lowly into your ear, feeling him biting at your neck hungrily. you suppressed back a moan, not wanting to show him that it was pleasurable. the man continued, despite a dark figure approaching angrily.

"i want to mark you, claiming you as my own, so no other man can touch you like i do." again, the customer moaned into your ear, rubbing his throbbing member shamelessly against your perfectly rounded ass. he reached for your shirt buttons, attempting to pop them open slowly one by one, but was stopped by a firm, threatening grip on his shoulder.

"i don't think so." a familiar tone rang throughout your ears, a tone similar to that of an angel. the perverted man's grip on your ass was removed by the hand of the round, husky manager of the innocent little café; the warmth of the disgusting man's length was replaced by the cold gusts of wind blowing through the open windows.

"i'm sorry, sir. but i'm going to have to ask you to leave." the manager spoke, dragging the pervert by his collar out of the glass door, slamming it angrily behind him. he then trudged over to you, his usual pearly smile sewn into a frown, his moustache hugging his top lip tightly.

"m-mr pig, i'm so sorry! i didn't mean-" the taller pig cut you off, grasping your hand tightly and dragging you behind him through the tables of curious customers. you reached the back room, being thrown in harshly by the steaming animal as he locked it behind him quickly.

you looked around the locker room at all the worker's clothes thrown over benches, their lockers still flung open after rushing to their shift in a hurry. "mr pig, let me explain! i met him a few years back, and-" once again, your excuses were cut short by the taller animal, this time his voice hushed into a scoff.

"i don't care for your excuses, babygirl. you let him touch you like that, well aware of how I felt." the animal oinked in a husky tone, stepping closer to you slowly, but enough to make your stomach tingle. you blushed at the pet name, too distracted to notice the lack of distant now between your bodies.

"i don't care if his tongue felt oh so good as it swirled against your sweet spot, or if you couldn't help but release a pitiful moan, feeling his tip tease into your back entrance." the pig whispered, leaning his face closer to yours, so close that the tips of your nose brushed against his long, protruding snout. he studied your face seductively, he eyes tracing over your lips as he licked his own, slowly.

"i don't care if the thought of his long, leaking member thrusting into you at an unbearably pleasurable pace made your walls clench in excitement. for you see, babygirl..." mr pig spoke in a low tone, his plump, soft lips brushing teasingly against your bitten ones. you felt yourself grow hot under his stare, wanting him to do something bad to you.

"i own you, whether you like it or not. so, you better learn your place, little one." he whispered, your breath hitching in excitement as he placed his delicate touch beneath your chin, tilting it upwards so it was closer to his. you blushed, his gaze intimidating and, in all honesty, so fucking hot.

"m-mr pig.." you stuttered, watching the said animal's eyes grow dark at your statement, his grip moving from your sharp chin down to your sensitive, small waist. he dug his hooves into the skin, causing you to throw your head back in both pain and pleasure, a smirk plastering his snout proudly.

"that's daddy to you, babygirl." he huskily groaned, pinning your fragile body against the cold, stone wall, making erotic eye-contact with you. "daddy pig."


omg chapter one 🙈🙈🙈 hope you liked it uwu

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2019 ⏰

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