chapter 1

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The city of Jantel, located in the country of Boland. Seen as a powerful city of Boland, the aggressors saw that as a breaking point and the only place to become theater of war.

Sholav, 12 years old had just survived an airstrike attack close to her home which got both her parents killed. Now, survived but alone she wondered the war torn zone once her neighborhood. The war has begun. The civilian of the city of Jantel evacuated but it was already late. As the airstrikes of Aseria air force kept dropping heavy bombs on Jantel. More and more civilian targets were decimated by this bombs. The pilots can't see the destruction they are causing but orders must be followed at any cost. Jantel must fall. Aseria is ready to bury the city if they have to. Sholav sees the caravan of people leaving and fleeing the war. She ran toward them and try to save herself as well. The armies of Boland fired upon Aserian aircrafts as the heavily armed ground forces approaching once a great city, now fallen in the ruin.

For Sholav, leaving her home and her parents corpses behind was the hardest thing ever to do. She was just 12 years old and she was scared. She did the right thing to leave and save herself. Nothing can stop the airstrike nor anyone can prevent the brewing of war. Aseria has invested heavily in the war against Boland and they see themselves as winner. It hasn't started yet and yet the ignorance of foreign powers will soon become the demise. As Aseria rise in power, their enemies are plotting big time to stop this mighty country from dominating all nine continents. Boland has since longtime seen as a enemy and contender to Aseria. A rising power needs to demonstrate to the world it's new found might. Sadly they did not know, their actions would lead millions of people displaced, hundred thousands dead and thousand upon thousands women and little girls raped and mutilated. Sholav journey had just begun.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2018 ⏰

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