Blog 1:
I'm going to do this blogging thing once a week and one part will be my venting time. Which was the first part. Then I'll try to inform you all on exciting things happening in my life right now. Then the last part will be basically anything significant I did each day of the week. I think it's clever :D
*** I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to do on here. Is it like a thing to like vent and hope people will care? Lol. I'm bad at this......LEAVE ME A COMMENT SAYING WHAT I SHOULD TALK ABOUT ON MY NEXT BLOG! If I have a next one.......SO ONTO THE BLOGGING!
I kinda want to talk about something personal. So to start it off I want to say this. Please do not be offended by anything I saw. It is purely my opinion on this subject and I'm all ears for your opinions as long as you don't bash mine. Well here we go!
Drinking. Why do people do it? Like I don't mean like a couple beers here and there. I mean like an entire bottle of vodka then go to a club and get even more wasted. I don't care if people drink...well I kinda do.
I think it's stupid if you drink just to get drunk. Can you not face the world you're living in? (just like doing drugs which I also hate!) I understand things get hard, but do you need to drown yourself in liquor to forget all the bad stuff?
I mean my life isn't great but I know it could be worse. My family is going through a hard time but I'm not going anything that could hurt me or anyone else matter how much I want to do it.
So why drown yourself in liquor or smoke all your brain cells away just so you can forget all the bad things that are happening NOW!?
I've recently come to realize that I need to get over all this shit. Yeah, shit is tough right now and I don't know when it will get better but I know it WILL GET BETTER! So I'm not going to sneak liquor (since I am under age haha) I'm not going to find pot to smoke and I'm not going to cut. I've learned that it doesn't help at all. It just makes it worse.
I know that personally, drinking has ruined my life. It tore my family apart, to be more specific. It drove my family apart and it was one of the causes of my parents getting a divorce, which was one thing that struck a personal chord for me.
But even then I tried to look on the bright side, and if you know me you know how hard that is for me to do. But I'm trying, I really am.
All that I'm trying to say is don't drink just because you're depressed. It won't help anything, it will only make it worse. Try to talk to a friend or maybe a sibling or family friend. Whoever you can talk to and trust as well. Try not to do anything you'll regret later.
*** that the depressing stuff that I kinda wanted to vent about. LET'S GET TO THE OH SO EXCITING THINGS! Let's see..............nothing. Haha my life is so exciting.
I'm just kidding. I have some kind of exciting news. Lol. I'm starting a play called Richard the 3rd which is a Shakespeare play. But I can't talk in freaking old English! It's very difficult! I get to play 3 parts, 2 boys and 1 girl. Which means........I GET TO WEAR WIGS!!! Woot! Not!!!! Haha
Another thing that got me all excited was that I got moved up from a ballet 2/3 split to a solid 3. Which if you don't know, isn't that great but this is my first year at a professional grade dance studio. I've had a month of summer classes that determined what class I would be for the season, which turned out to be the 2/3 split.
But last Thursday I took an extra 3 class to see if I could get moved up. But she didn't tell me that directly but implied that. So teacher evaluated me like a month early! Which is really good :D I really think this is my calling!!!
Since today is Wednesday I'll start this whole, recap of the past week from last Wednesday! Woot!!!
Wednesday: Hung out with Ali, nothing too exciting
Thursday: Went to a Ballet 3 class to see if I could keep up
Friday: I made cookies to send to my Dad and danced around the house and hurt my ankle slightly
Saturday: Had my normal Ballet 3 class (part of the 2/3 split) and found out I got moved to a full 3 class. Hurt my ankle a little more :P Went to Maddie's birthday party and had SO much fun! Went to a hotel with my mom, DC and Ali to have a girl's night.
Sunday: Left the hotel from girl's night and went home to get ready to usher a play. Cut my ankle REALLY bad. Got it covered with gauze square and duct tape haha. Went to the play and ushered, then went to my first rehearsal for Richard the 3rd.
Monday: Had no rehearsal so went to Ali's and found fabric for my Halloween costume...well some of it anyways:D
Tuesday: Thought I had rehearsal so drove all the way but found out I didn't have rehearsal and so drove home and went to Ali's.
Today!: Went to Ali's haha.
Well there is my very first blog! It will get better! If you think of anything else you want me to talk about leave a comment below!
If you have any questions for me, ask me below and I'll answer them next Wednesday!
Tell your friends and show everyone this!
If you think of anything I can add just tell me. I'll say who gave me the idea if I get any ideas I want to use :D
Leave or Heartbreak?
-Jenny Jawbreaker
Non-FictionBlogs done by me every Wednesday maybe a different but it will generally be on a Wednesday:D