strolling through the latest pedo convention, marvel realized that spotting the minecraft youtubers would be much harder than he'd anticipated.
the crew had agreed to split up so they could search every corner of hell for these gods among men, and so far marvel wasn't having much luck. the convention was fucking massive, for obvious reasons, and the only familiar face marvel had run into was Mr. Clean.
his ass was still sore from that.
"fuckin christ any one of these hitler stache motherfuckers could be a minecraft youtuber" grumbled marvel to himself.
"r u talkin about mein stache???" barked the führer from behind him.
marvel tried not to drool at his sexy swastika tattoos, shaking his head.
"my apologies, almighty nazi king. i would never disparage you."
"zats more leich it" hitler growled
to prove his sincerity, marvel gave the führer a nazi his pants
hitler returned the salute. just for manners, no homo
"sieg heil, vat r u doing at zis convention? u look like ur just a boi" inquired hitler.
their enormous dongs casually tapped against one another's like a lightsaber duel as they made conversation, marvel explaining his current predicament
"i too haf heard of zis...meinkraft youtuber league" said hitler, fiddling with his iconic stache. "perhaps u might kno me under a zifferent alias"
he pulled off his sexy führer skin to reveal a blonde young swedish man beneath.......
he was.......
........felix kjellberg.
"PewDiePie?!11? i should have known."
"yea well....i try and keep it on the downlow ya feel? but if u need help with jake paul, it takes a blonde youtube man with an army of preteens to defeat a blonde youtube man with an army of preteens."
"very astute," said marvel and nodded. "how many of your legions can you offer?"
"pfft, a mere tenth of my bro army could outnumber that mass of team 10 swaggots"
"u didn't answer my question"
felix looked up, in thought.
"hmm....i'll tell ya what kiddo. i'll be willing to send my entire army to support your cause, if you do one little favor for me"
"and exactly what favor is that?"
felix slowly smiled.