A Larry Oneshot- Make Out to Make Up

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They were at a concert in Canada. Liam was reading some of the question fans sent them from twitter. They'd went through many questions and Liam was a tad bored. So just for a tease, he picked on an interesting question. A question that had to do with none other than Louis and Harry. "The question reads" Liam says with a smirk on his face:

"LarryLover5D- Can Louis and Harry do a friendly little kiss? But a catch, it has to last at least three seconds. Leave it PG! ;-)."

"What? No!" Louis protested.

The band members looked at Louis and Harry sitting on their red sofa, all grinning. Louis looked at Harry who was just as stumped. Should they do it? How would fans react? Of course they would go gaga but still. What would their management think? Louis knew he always had feelings for Harry. Is this his time to show it? He looked around. Everybody was waiting.

"Come on guys! Its just a small kiss!" Zayn shouted. The fans were still screaming.

"Ugh, You guys kill me." Louis mumbled. Harry grins at that.

"Are.. you, okay with it?" Louis asks Harry.

"Yeah Lou. It's fine. A little kiss can't hurt?" Harry smiles.

"Yeah, just a little kiss.." Louis smiles nervously.

The arena was almost deathly quiet as you could only hear the breeze of the wind and the faint sound of some fans talking. They slowly leaned in all the way until Louis could feel Harry smooth mint breath on his lips. Louis looks into Harry's eyes nervously.

"Harry, I.. I don't know if I can do this-"

"Just do it." Harry grins, making Louis's heart flutter.

 They connected their lips and he felt spark from the tip of his fingers to his toes. It was the perfect kiss, the one Louis had always been waiting for. Harry wasted no time and forced his tongue into Louis's mouth. They had lost contact with everybody else. It's was already 10 seconds over time before Louis realized what he was doing and he quickly pulled away.

"Harry!" He gasped.

This could be bad. Really bad.

Harry's eyes widened as he also came to realization. Louis quickly looked away from Harry, too embarrassed and shocked to look him in the eye. Harry looks to the ground, but he couldn't keep this weird smirk off his face.

Louis put his hand up to his mouth and felt his lips. Harry had just kissed him. And in top of that, he put his tongue in Louis' mouth! Does Harry like Louis? Louis ran thoughts through his head. He was truly confused.

There were whispers from the crowd of fans and the other boys fell in an awkward silence. It was really awkward. The backstage crew looked in awe along with everybody else. There's no covering this one up. Now, all Louis and Harry had to do is confirm it.

"Next question um.. Liam.." Zayn speaks up.

"Yeah, next question..." Louis hears Harry say.

The concert went on without a hitch as it seemed the fans had forgot what had all happened. Though it was obvious it was still on the boys' mind. Harry and Louis didn't try to look at each other the rest of the concert though they did try to sneak glances at the each other when one wasn't looking.

It was the end of the concert and the boys had said their "thank you"s and "goodbyes" as they walked  behind stage.

"Pretty good concert, yeah boys?" Zayn tried to cheer the atmosphere up.

"If you say so Zayn..." Louis says.

"C'mon guys, how about we just forget about everything that happened. After this, we can go for a drink. On me?" Zayn offered.

A Larry Oneshot- Make Out to Make UpWhere stories live. Discover now