First 20 (Love qoutes)

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You love them, but why can't they love you back?

Love is like a circle. When you find true love, it can never stop from spinning round and round, having no end in it.

True love is made when two different egos meet, fight, and share.

Our hearts can fall like a petal most of the times. When it falls at the wrong time, it is usually stepped on by strangers coming by.

Sometimes, we humans can't accept the fact that we love someone we hate.

If you fall for someone and if they don't catch you, then remember to spread your wings and show them how free you are from the risk of a shattered heart.

When someone in your life starts complimenting you, endure it cause it might be the last time you will meet them again.

Fall for someone that will treat you specially, unlike how they treat the others.

If you hate your parents, then just remember that they made you to be a step further than them. They want you to be the best you.

You are loved for who you are. So be yourself.

Don't worry of who you are going to fall for. You will fall for someone at the right place and right time.

The reason why they fall for you is not just about your beauty. It's also about your imperfections that they love you.

People ask me "What is love?" I answer to them "Love is something that is extremely precious but extremely delicate."

Loving someone who isn't normal doesn't mean the pair is abnormal. Love is applied to each and everyone of us.

Love is more precious than anything in the world.

They love you not because of your similarities, but your uniqueness.

Starting to love someone who loves you isn't a new chapter, but a new book.

True love makes reality better than our dreams.

Love: destroys; connects; is something a human needs.

Making memories with you is one of the best things I've done in my life.

Please remember I'm still 13 years old. This is my first time making my own quotes out of nowhere and well, I'm actually proud that I made a lot about love. I haven't felt love (I'm serious here) but I know what it feels like to be hated. So, I just did the opposite of hate and made this. Surprisingly this turned out great. Comment down your quotes that you want me to add here! Hope you guys liked this!

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