Part 1: Mission Failed (Phyre)

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I watch the Omnics carefully, waiting for my opportunity to strike. I've been keeping tabs on them for the last 11 days, and so far, I've got nothing on them. It infuriates me. Reyes tasked me with gathering intelligence on Null Sector, and besides having mapped out their movements for 11 days straight, I've got nothing usable on them. I have no evidence of any laws being broken. No proof of what they're planning. And no evidence, means no authorization to move on them from Morrison. And that, I am not going to let slide.

So here I sit, in a nearby bell tower, carefully watching their little meeting, and listening through the bug I planted nearby. The problem is that they don't speak in words when they communicate with each other, so really, the bug was just a courtesy. Old habits I suppose. I adjust my position, resting one of my arms across my knee. I glance down at my arm, the shiny black metal smooth, flawless.

I hate it.

I hold both arms in front of me, rolling my wrists and hands, watching the internal mechanisms move them in accordance with my will, the light reflecting of the white metal of my left arm, the black metal of my right its shadowed twin. I shake my head, and focus on the gathering of Omnics once again. I study them attentively as they leave the square, heading towards the church I'm currently residing in. Something about this sudden change in their movements disturbs me. In 11 days, they have never visited any buildings of faith. So why now? I wouldn't have pegged a rebellious group of Omnics to be compelled to go pray in church. I shift my weight from foot to foot, uneasy. Something's wrong.

 I hear a scream from down below, and I put my unease aside, throwing myself into action. I slide down the ladder behind me, running the second my boots hit the ground below. I make my way down to the bottom floor of the church as fast as possible, knowing that I can't afford to waste any time now. I round the last corner, and something hits me hard in the chest, sending me crashing through the wall of the church, and into the alley on the other side. I slam up against another wall, and come to a stop. My vision blurs as I force myself to sit up, gritting my teeth in pain. I blink rapidly, and my vision clears in time for me to watch a massive purple Omnic drops heavily through the hole, cracking the cobblestone street beneath it as it lands. How the hell did I let an OR-15 sneak up on me? 

The menacing creature walks slowly towards me, the street splintering beneath its weight. A triple barreled cannon takes the place of its left arm, giving it the ability to lay down nearly endless amounts of fire in battle. Now that cannon is trained on me, ready to erase me from existence if I move. It stops in front of me, looking down upon me with its glowing red eyes. It extends its arm, grabbing me by the throat, and holding me off the ground. It tilts its head at me, and emits the same screaming sound I heard before as its grip tightens around my neck. Stars swim before me as my vision starts to go black. 

I pull my arm back and drive it into the OR-15's face, the sound of metal striking metal echoing through the alley with unmatched clarity. It stumbles backwards from the force of the blow, and loosens its grip ever so slightly. I manage to slip through its grasp, falling to the street, gasping for oxygen. I hear a low, robotic growl, and roll to the side just as the Omnics foot crushes the spot where I just was, pulverizing the smooth stones into dust. I force myself to my feet as a glowing red blade emerges from its right arm. It advances towards me with shocking speed, thrusting the blade towards me. I duck under it, but I'm too slow, and I scream in agony as I feel the edge cutting deep into my shoulder. I push through the pain, and punch my steel fist through its shoulder armor, and let out an angry yell as I tear its arm from its body. The OR-15 lets out an inhuman scream, and backhands me through the window of a nearby shop and into a stone counter. 

I howl in pain as a large shard of glass pierces my chest, sliding between my ribs, and puncturing my lung. I take a breath, and yank the glass out, forcing myself up again. I look back through what's left of the shop entrance to see the OR-15 train its arm cannon on me. I roll over the counter as it opens fire, the bullets tearing chunks out of the stone. It dumps round after round out of its cannon into the counter, and I look up to find a mirror mounted on the wall in front of me. I watch it patiently, as it slowly advances into the shop, still firing at me. Finally, the gunfire stops, and I hear an empty click. 

I vault over the counter and sprint towards the Omnic, driving my feet into the ground and leaping over it, twisting as I sail through the air, landing on its back. I wrap my arms around its head and tighten my grip, hanging on for my life as it bucks itself around the shop, trying to throw me off. My back slams into a wall, and I feel at least 2 of my ribs crack. Finally, I find my chance to end this, and I grasp the OR-15's head tight with both hands, and give a savage twist, snapping its neck. Its head now facing me, it lets out another human scream.

"Shut up." I growl, as I punch my hand through the plating on its neck, and tear out the wires inside.

Its eyes go dark as it falls to the ground with a loud crash, sending me tumbling across the room. 

I lay there panting heavily, waves of pain crashing over me. I slowly manage to sit up, and a coughing fit racks my body, the pain nearly making me black out. I struggle to my feet, swaying slightly from the wave of dizziness that hits me. I take one last look at the OR-15, then turn and leave the shop, heading towards the extraction site. I reach around behind me, wincing at the pain it causes me, and grab the emergency beacon that Reyes always makes me bring on assignments, just in case. Funny, I never needed it before now. I press the single red button on it, and it starts flashing, emitting a bright blue light. I clip it back onto my belt, and continue on to the extraction zone, my breaths coming in short, ragged bursts. Well, on the bright side, I got all the evidence I could ever need of a hostile Omnic presence in King's Row. I stumble into another open square to find the evac dropship waiting for me. I limp inside, and slump down into the pilots chair, setting the autopilot coordinates to the Blackwatch base in Switzerland. As the dropship slides smoothly through the air, darkness starts to creep around the edges of my vision, threatening to swallow me whole.

End of Part 1

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