Murder Of The Cat Gang Episode One: The Beginning Of Time

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Female Narrator: Once upon a time. Before the existence of heaven and hell. There were four very powerful, beautiful, and peaceful Goddesses that ruled the universe. Flyga, Gailo, Payla and Godress. As sisters, they ruled over their own piece of element. Strength, Knowledge, Life, and Control over all of them. Hoping that their peace and harmony would last forever. But then, Death was born. Like the sky, it spread out and consumed everything. The very once peaceful sisters became engulfed in it, and it turned them into horrible, chaotic monsters. Godress, the oldest of these four, embraced Death the most, enough to corrupt her and make her kill her own sisters and take their powers. Flyga, the youngest, had seen what terrible mistake they had made. Before she died she breathed out four simple souls, powered by her own life force, in order to fix the mistake they had made and defeat The Dark Goddess Godress. But to do that, they must first overcome Life and Death. But how can anyfurry overcome something as deadly and as powerful... As Life and Death? Saba, Egypt: Date 255 years ago before the present. Mouse: (reading a book, still thinking, British accent) Hmm? "The Sons And Daughters of Flyga" and... The Dark Goddess. Where have I heard those names before? Kitts: (outside the tent, Valley Girl voice) Mouse? Mouse! (Peeks inside the tent, Valley Girl voice) Oh! There you are Mouse! Like, I'd thought I'd find you in here. Come on, we have to go collect those samples before it gets too dark. Mouse: (looks up and nods his head, smiles) Ah yes. Thank you for reminding me Kitten. I just know we'll get some great samples today. Kitts: (smug and sort of smile face) It's Kitts. BTW, bring your knife with you when we head out this time. I feel we might run into trouble. (looks down) Hey! (points to the book) I'd recognize that old book from anywhere! Mouse: (smiles more, looks at the book again) That's correct! It's the story about the two lovers, their son and how they defeated The Dar... Kitts: (arms crossed, rolls her eyes) Yeah yeah, Dark Goddess, blah, blah, blah. Then the parents died and their son got sucked into some dumb gem thing. I get it, now can we please get going? I wanna leave this dump! Mouse: (looks back up and still smiling) But I just can't help it. This story, these facts, The Dark Goddess. It's all just so fascinating to me. Everytime I find something new, or undiscovered. I feel like it's my destiny to uncover those types of mysteries. Kitts: (now getting kind of concerned, looks back a bit) Well, like I said before. We'd better get going before it gets too dark. Mouse: (now thinking again, paw on chin) Hmm... Not yet. I'd liked to go back and take another look, collect some more research and... Kitts: (shocked look) WHAT?! Mouse?! Another search?! (facepalm) Ugh! Why can't you just give it a rest for once? And spend time with your wife and child! I gotta a life too here, ya know?! Mouse: (now smiling again) But I just can't help it. (brave look, paw in a fist) There's always a new mystery, new things to explore. And I'm the one who's going to do it. Kitts: (outside their tent again) Well maybe you can check out this mystery we've got Sherlock Mouse. Mouse: (comes outside of their tent, confused) Huh? What are you talking about Kitts? Kitts: (worried and pointing at the other tents) The furries who were supposed to take us to the pyramid high-tailed it outta here! Mouse: (stating a fact look, looks up at her) You mean they left us? Kitts: (quickly turns around and looks down at him) Yeah! I heard them all leave last night! And when I went up to one of them.. I didn't even say anything, they just looked at me and said.. (says it in a creepy voice and moves her paw) "Turn back while you still can." (thinks, paw on her chin) I don't know about you Mouse. But I think we should head back hom... Mouse: (serious look, eyes closed) No. Kitts: (looks down at him surprised) What? Why? Mouse: (thinking look again, looks up at her) Think about it Kitts. If we turn back now those troublesome, furry-hating, fur-stabbing humans will just keep messing with us. My life is already a living hell as it is, and they just make it even worse. Kitts: (concerned look, paw reaches out) Mouse, I agree with you that the humans are bastards. And for once, I'd loved to scratch their faces. But even if we get to the pyramid. How are we gonna make it back? On all fours? Mouse: (smiles and winks up at her) You just leave it to me! Kitts?! (Starts walking) We're leaving our equipment here! Today! We'll reach the pyramid before sunset! A few minutes later, they're both now ridding camels Kitts: (completely disgusted look) Now.. I regret everything I said earlier. Mouse: (smiles and looks back at her a little bit) Oh come on Kitts. It's really not that bad. At least it's better than pouncing. Kitts: (mad face) Oh shut up you nerd!... (then fans herself from the smell) Blah! Mouse? I know you wanna get there! But the smell here is just awful! (coughs three times) Dark Green Dog: (watching them from a far) They are ridding up to the pyramid in your discretion now, Mistress. Haunting Female Voice: (echos) Are you sure that they are the ones? Dark Green Dog: (still watching) Yes. The purple one almost resembles the pink cat child herself. Haunting Female Voice: (echos) Are they armed? Dark Green Dog: (looks even closer) Yes, it seems so. Kitts: (behind Mouse, curious look) By the way. Where'd you find these camels? I didn't see them anywhere! Mouse: (smiles) Oh! I found them behind our tents drinking some fresh water! And it's a good thing I did too. Or we would have never made it to the pyramid without them. Kitts: (thinks about that, smiles) Yeah. I guess your right. (pats the camel's neck) Thanks big guy. Dark Green Dog: (bows a little bit, eyes closed, smooth evil smile) I will lead them to you, and then.. You'll be very pleased with me. I live to serve you forever, Mistress. Haunting Female Voice: (echos) Good, I'll be waiting. Dark Green Dog: (runs past them fast and back to the pyramid) I'll finish them off! These mortals will die! Kitts: (feels something gonpast her, freaks out a bit) Huh?! Wha?! What was that?! Mouse: (sniffs the air twice) Hmm... We should be getting.... (stops and stares, gets off the first camel) Kitts: (looks around) Getting what? (Looks forward) Mouse? Mouse?! (looks at him, gets off the second camel and follows him) Hey! M-Mouse?! What about camels?! Mouse wait up! (follows him up to a small hill, mad look a little) Geez! Take off and leave me, will ya? What the hell are you?... (looks at what he's looking at) Looking at? Holy Perry Potter! Thunder booms and lighting strikes Kitts: (looking at the small pyramid) Wow, I actually thought it'd be a lot bigger, and more complete looking, but over all, this bad boy doesn't look too bad. Mouse: (runs down the hill to the pyramid) Come on Kitts! Kitts: (paw reaches out, worried) Wait a sec! Mouse! What about the came? Mouse! (follows him down the hill, then stops to catch her breath, paws on her knees) Hoo.. Oh man... Need to get.. In better shape.. Hoo... Mouse: (a bit confused) Uhm.. Kitts? (points to the other figure) Please orrect me if I'm wrong but.. Aren't we supposed to be the only two furry researchers here? Kitts: (looks at him) Woah! Who's he? Mouse: I don't know.. (runs up to him, smiles) But let's go find out! Kitts: (follows him, worried) Wait Mouse!.. Mouse: (looks up at him and smiles) Good evening sir. I'm Professor Mouse from the BSFNP University, and this is my assistant Kitts, who is also from the same university. And we've been sent here to check out this pyramid. I hope you don't mind me asking, but what is your name? Dark Green Dog: .... (bored look, waves a paw) Follow me! (walks inside the pyramid) Kitts: (looks down at Mouse, a bit nervous) Should we follow him inside? Mouse: (looks up at Kitts) We don't have a choice, come on. (walks in too) Kitts: (thinks to herself, looks back) Great, it's raining, why now? (walks in too) I don't know how, but there's something wrong with this place, like there's a... Dark energy coming from it... Or like.... It's alive. I bet that's why it's raining now. But rain. Ugh! Why'd it have to be rain water. (Shakes off the water then looks at the walls) Woah! Look at the walls! It's just covered with painting after painting! I don't even know where to start! Mouse: (feels the walls with his paw, thinks) It looks like it's ancient Egyptian to me. (looks up and points up) What is that? Haunting Female Voice: WHO DARES?! Mouse: (looks around quickly, getting a bit scared) Who-Who said that?! Kitts: (points up too, freaked out eyes) Did that eye just talk? Or am I now going crazy? Mouse: (turns and looks down at the Dark Green Dog) Wait... What is he?... Dark Green Dog: (bows down, eyes closed, smiles evil) Mistress, I've brought you.... (eyes open, glowing purple, evilly smiling a bit) Your final offerings! Kitts: (worried look again) M-Mouse? Are you seeing this too?! The markings are moving! Mouse: (determined look) That's not important. The University said that we need to find a way inside, and that door is the only way to get in. Kitts: (ready, serious look) Whatever happens Mouse, just... Be on your guard. Mouse: ... (nods his head, serious look) Understood. Haunting Female Voice: Enter. (magically opens the door) wind blows out from the big door Dark Green Dog: (waves his paw to mean follow) Now now. Come come. My Mistress is waiting for you both. Mouse: (mad now) I don't think so sir! (Pulls out his knife and points up to the Dark Green Dog's head) First of all! We don't appreciate strangers helping us with our research! Especially if they're cloaked in suspense! So start explaining yourself! Or else! Dark Green Dog: (smile smirk, eyes closed again) oh. Don't flatter yourself, if you must or want to know... My name is Vancer Libbs. An old member of the Youthful Tribe. But they kicked me out because of my non-beliefs in faith and love. They prayed only on the weak! But I?... I now only worship a true Goddess. One with powers beyond our own beliefs. Kitts: (still a bit nervous) Alright, I get that. But Vancer Libbs? The Youthful Tribe existed like over 3000 years ago. How are you still alive after all that time? Vancer Libbs/Haunting Female Voice: (eyes glowing purple again, waves a paw) Come!... And all I will reveal! (walks into a glowing purple room) Kitts: (nervous about going inside and looks down at Mouse) Are-are we go-going in there? Mouse? Your not really thinking of going in there! Are you?! Mouse: (still determined look, put his knife away, and looks up at her) Of course! We need the!... Kitts: (mad look down at him) Samples?! Wake up Mouse! There's obviously something very wrong going on here! I noticed that when I first saw this place! Don't you feel the dark energy?! Mouse: (mad look up at her also) And you expect us to go home?! Empty pawed?! Without any samples?! These samples are the only way to see your sons face again! And after we get these samples, we can get outta here! (walks into the other room) I don't know about you, but I'm going in to get those samples! With, or without you! Kitts: (concerned look) Mouse! I get that, but there's something wrong about this! Mouse? Ugh! If something bad happens, I'm blaming Mouse. (walks into the other glowing purple room after him) Woah! Inside the purple glowing room, deep in the pyramid Kitts: (looks at the statues in the front) What happened to them? Vancer Libbs Dog: (sighed face) It is punishment to those who disobeys Mistresses orders. So... She kills them. Mouse: (looks up) "She?" Meaning your Mistress correct? Vancer Libbs Dog: (still looks on) .... Yes. Kitts: (glances at the left side, pointing) How's your body temperature Mouse? Mouse: (smiles, sweat drop) Heh. It's a bit colder in here than it was out there, your going to the left side of the pyramid? Kitts: (sigh look) Yes, I'm kinda curious. Mouse: (still smiling) That's fine I'll check right side of the pyramid then. (walks over to the right side, looks back) Remember to collect some really good samples for us to back to the.... Kitts: (already over by the other side) Yeah yeah! Stop nagging me, I'm know what I'm doing! Mouse: (stops, looks and gasps, thinks to himself) What?! It!... It can't be!... It-it's the same picture from outside! (touches the wall sort of, thinks) No wait this one seems more different than that.. It's almost like it's.... Jinny: (vision, voice echos) Hey ultimate dark pink furball?! Look at me! Mouse: (wide eyed) GAH! (keeps thinking to himself, surprised) What the hell was that?! I only just touched it and some weird replica of Kitts came up! (thinks more) Should I tell her about this? No not yet, I want to see what happens if I keep my paw on this a bit longer.... Let's see what happens! (touches the wall again and keeps his paw on it longer) More visions appear and the voice appears again Haunting Female Voice: (echos) Still holding on? I haven't even got the chance to kill you yet... Hope... Is just used as an excuse to let you live... Hoping for better is pointless... When really.... What are you really hoping for?... Noises and visions go away Mouse: (thinks to himself again) Those four! They're the cat kids from the painting and the book! They're the ones! But... I thought it was just a fake, a myth, a legend! "The Sons and Daughters of Flyga!" They're the ones who are supposed to defeat The Dark Goddess! This is the story about the rise and fall of pure and wretched evil! These cat kids, the book I've been reading mentions that name over and over again... "The Sons and Daughters of Flyga" "The Sons and Daughters of Flyga" But is it all real?! Because... If the four cat kids are real then... Then that means that!... The Dark Goddess I... Is real too! These four cat kids are supposed to defeat The Dark Goddess! But what does the pyramid have to do with the prophecy? Kitts: (keeps looking at the walls) Vancer! How old are these paintings? They look to be many years old! Mouse: (walks back over to the center almost, serious look up at him) Vancer? You know why we're here, you know our purpose here. But why are you here? What is your purpose here? Vancer Libbs Dog: (arms down, eyes closed, smiles) This, is where my Mistress lays... It's Her pyramid... Her alter.. Her temple... And Her.. (smiles evil again, shows some sharp teeth) Sacrificing room... Door slams shut sound! Mouse: (shocked look, thinks) The door! Kitts: (shocked look, thinks) It closed! (looks back) Hey! What's the big deal?! Mouse: (grabs out his knife and points up to him again) Don't you dare move. Now, you've got two choices, you surrender us and let us go, or I'll be forced to hurt you, I'll let you decide the outcome. Soulless Vancer Libbs Dog: ... (looks down at Mouse, mad) How rude and unwise Pokemon! (uses the double circle pendant) Bow down, to Her feet! Mouse: (feels a force field around him) Ahh! Kitts: (looks surprised and mad) Mouse! Mouse: (bows down to the floor) crack sound Kitts: (thinks) damn! I've gotta stop him! The rocks might work! Soulless Vancer Libbs Dog: (catches the knife and points it down to Mouse's head, evil smile) The tables have turned now, Ma'am. Ow! (turns his head to the left, mad, holds the knife up) Who's got a death wish? Kitts: (mad) Hey you crazy Dog bastard! Lay off my friend! Soulless Vancer Libbs Dog: (mad, uses his own powers) Aim and destroy! (aims the knife at Kitts) Kitts: (gets stabbed in the chest) AHH! Mouse: (shocked look) KITTS! Soulless Vancer Libbs Dog: (mad look at both of them) you fools! Mouse: (struggling to get out of the force field) N-Ngh! Soulless Vancer Libbs Dog: (mad look still, walking over to her) Now look what you've made me do. You two should have just stayed out of my way! Mouse: (thinks to himself again, worried) This isn't good! If Kitts keeps bleeding, she'll pass out within 5 minutes! I could try to stop the bleeding! But I'm frozen! It's only a matter of time, before I'm next to be killed! Soulless Vancer Libbs Dog: release! (holds the knife again, now with blood on it) Kitts: (screams) Augh! Soulless Vancer Libbs Dog: (points the blood covered knife back to Mouse's head) I'll let you sit there and think about what you've done, while I finish off your mouse friend here, cat girl. Now, where was I? Oh right.. I was just about to kill you! Mouse: (looks down) I'll admit I was foolish to come here, but Vancer... (stares and glares up at him) I figured it all out. Kitts: (now on the floor, against the wall, holding her bleeding chest) M-Mouse, your not making any sense! Wha-What are you talking about? Mouse: (squint mad look) No matter what I believed in before Vancer Libbs Dog. Your nothing but a husk of your former self. Your soul has been rotted, your mind has been twisted by the influence of The Dark Goddess. Soulless Vancer Libbs Dog : (evil fanged teethed smile) A husk eh? You could say that I am truly Soulless. Mouse: (mad look up) Only a Soulless being would bring oblivious furry civilians like us to be offered to your Dark Goddess. Soulless Vancer Libbs Dog: (evil teethed smile still) You should be feeling very honored! You can finally reawaken the only true Goddess of existence! Mouse: (looks up at him, curious) Tell me Vancer. What do you think will happen once your Mistress has reawakened? Soulless Vancer Libbs Dog: (smiles creepy and evil, showing teeth) Simple! It will be the slow end of all existence! Nothing and no one will stand in Her way! Mouse: and what about The Sons and Daughters of Flyga? Soulless Vancer Libbs Dog: (looks displeased down at him) ... You touched the walls? Mouse: (smiles smirk) So I did. Soulless Vancer Libbs Dog: (mad demands, keeps pointing the knife) What did you see?! Mouse: (looking down, sad) I saw the greatest evil of all time. I saw your Mistress, the ender of Life and the beginner of Death, lots and lots of loss, blood, Sin, and Death. (looks up, serious) But I also saw hope! I saw heroes and heroines prevailing! Overcoming the very thing your Mistress fell to! They overcame Life and De!... Soulless Vancer Libbs Dog: (shouts out, gets angered more, points the knife at his head) ENOUGH! How dare you belittle The Dark Goddess with your perceptions you little Pokemon pest! Those visions you saw were lies! (arms crossed, smiles teeth showing) Nothing can stop The Dark Goddess! NOTHING! (creepy evil laugh) Mouse: (glares up at him, mad look) Your insane. Soulless Vancer Libbs Dog: (still evil teeth smile, holds up the knife, ready to strike) It matters not what I am!... But rather what you'll be soon, pitiful mortal! Any last words?! Kitts: (looks on, blood dripping from her mouth) .... Mouse: (head down, sad face, sighs) I have.. No regrets... You may threaten me, but I'm not afraid of you, nor your Mistress. You may strike me if you want, but who knows? One day, you'll be a sacrifice yourself, no doubt. Soulless Vancer Libbs Dog: (pulls the knife back to him) a what? Haunting Female Voice: (echos) You dare hesitate?! Finish him! We do not stop for anything! SHED! NO MERCY! Soulless Vancer Libbs Dog: (holds the knife up, getting ready to strike) Ye-yes my lord. WOOSH! Kitts: (shouts out) NOOO! Blood Splotch! Kitts: (shocked look on her face at what she sees) Im-impossible!... Jinny: (standing in front of Mouse, her right side bleeding, serious look) Yeah that's right!... BACK OFF! Murder Of The Cat Gang End of Episode One: The Beginning Episode Two: The Return 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2019 ⏰

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